i have been using HB for over a year now and i rarely use it for automoving bots and stuff, i use it for CRs mainly, my question is it safe to still use it for only CR in combat modes only or what is the chance of getting banned for this too?
I think the rules apply to every kind of botusage, so there is always a risk in terms of botdetection. Otherwise using only CR has a little to no chance of messing up as the most people get flagged by reports. So tbh if you rlly dont want to risk it then wait af the 30d period so we get more information about the status. Ps: i am botting with my main account, dont care anymore
does this mean that warden will not be able to detect a CR only and you still need to be flagged by a report to be banned, how does the new system detection work that blizzard implement, are they scanning our memory? running app and stuff?
Short answer: maybe. Long answer: Warden got an upgrade. How was it upgraded? No one knows yet (except Blizzard of course). If the honorbuddy software itself is now detected, then you would be at risk no matter what you do with the bot, it would be the attatching to the WoW process that is detected, not any specific activity. The devs have stated that it will take 30 days before they are able to report on the changes to warden. Therefore, it is up to your individual discretion as to whether or not it is safe to use. My personal speculation is that the software itself is not detected, or else they (the devs) wouldn't have let us connect to HB at all, as a mass banwave would be somewhat bad for business. However, it is safe to assume that the risk for all forms of botting have gone up, even if you're only using a CR. I am waiting it out until more information is available.
Again, we don't need to keep posting 25 of these threads every day. Here's the only answer that you need and that anyone knows as fact: don't bot if you don't feel safe and if you can't afford to lose an account. Period. This includes any form of CR/afk botting.