What this is: This is an auction house buying profile. It's ever evolving, built with ultra simplicity. I'll be expanding the lists more and more, in hopes it's a full automatic gold making machine. Configuration: - Set your buyout prices if they seem a little high for your server. Changelog: Code: 2.0: Initial release 2.0.1: - Added 20 more items from the spreadsheet - Cleaned up a few bugs, added a bank location 2.0.2: - Settings are in place for more configuration - Setup a "Sell All" items 2.0.4: - Added 125 new items for AH scan - More configuration settings 2.0.5: - Added Trade barking (to try and score some COD instead of AH) **!IMPORTANT! Make sure to have your /trade channel set to /2 for this to work** - Added settings to put the amount PER stack of each bark 2.0.6: - Organized things a bit --- Grouped the like AH scanned together --- Mounts, BattlePets, Rare Recipes, Rare Patterns, Rare Enchant Plans etc. 2.0.7: - Hooked to blizzard's auctionhouse API to give you better LIVE prices of auctions. Download: Download Your Server - BETA . Virus Total (lol): https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/...49f8932af01c98cb93b2c7e1/analysis/1405394682/ Current features: - Leather working shuffle (see this post) - Some twink item sniping (see this post) ((much more to come)) - Pulls live data from blizzard's auction house API to give you the best snipes of items Know Issues: Code: - My reselling logic needs improvement ---- I'll end up building a reselling with blizzard's API as well, for now it's buggy Features to come: - Selling sniped items. - 100+ Items to query, for good prices. - A constantly updated spreadsheet for everyone to update their prices from - The option to go out and *farm* the rare items to sell on the AH I'm always open to feedback. I love building these sorts of things. This is in very early beta phase, I just wanted to get some framework out there for people to play around with. Please let me know if you have any questions. Report all bugs in this thread
HUGE update. Please give me suggestions. New priorities: - Build selling logic better (personalize selling) - Build farming profiles (to go out and get dirty if you bot is bored)
I was about to try but they announced the new anti-cheat system so maybe next month now :/ can't wait for it tho
Is it normal, that the aszhara profile creates every auction for like 3500 gold? Even one piece of Sha-touched leather?
The bot searches for some blues and then just randomly sits there. If i restart the bot it doesn't move at all. Any help?