Hello there I wanted to share my Rogue Deck with you, since I was looking for a Decent Rogue deck, and none which were posted here worked for me I tried to set upp my own one. Left it running for a night now, the bot climbed from rank 20 to 9, right now heading to 8 in EU Server, so I guess this is a good thing to get a golden hero and level up your Rogue. The deck is not basic, but it's still pretty cheap! What you need is the newest version of HB and Silverfish AI, which does a great job! You will need to set Silver AI Custom Deck as Control! If you do not have the Bloodmage, you can replace it with a Loot Hoarder or another Cheap Minions you like! I guess you could try Leeroy Jenkins for one of the Argent Crusaders, I got him but I didn't try yet! Tell me how it works for you! Greetings
are you using silverfishcontrolnewfix.silvercontrol? still running staying solidly at rank 9 48& winratio 4 hours so far
thank you really much for this guide, i just started bot will try it out i will tell how it went started btw from rank 20
I manage to get rank 13 in eu before patch started and i went DC looking really good, but i using some other decks becaused i missed some from yours tho my rogue was only lvl 6
Bot statistics summary (first try, right before new wing release): Wins : 15 Looses : 2 Total games : 17 Bot statistics summary (first try right after the new wing release, had some major internet connection troubles due to thunderstorm): [11:57:41.094 N] Wins : 23 [11:57:41.094 N] Looses : 24 [11:57:41.094 N] Total games : 47 Silverfish is so much better than the standard ai from hearthbuddy, although it needs some improvement in some places. (CBA posting problems on the thread) Also the deck is fine I guess, some random cards in the deck which I don't personally like but I guess they work good with Silverfish. Edit: This was on EU-servers
im stil using the same and always keep a decent win ratio right now. make sure you really have the latest silverfish version!
I am very sorry, however, I do not see how how you reached rank 9 with this deck setup. I have no idea how that even came close to happening I left my bot to run for 9 hours at rank 14 thinking i would rank up overnight. To my dismay, this afternoon i woke up to being rank 18 almost rank 19!! I used the deck exactly as prescribed, as well as the latest version of Silverfish with control settings. Granted, i played a game with these cards at rank 15 and won a couple of games, i must say, the warlock murloc HB deck has worked far better getting me to rank 11, as opposed to making me go backwards I did not post this as hate, but when you claim youre climbing to rank 8, any NOONE else gets the same results, it is kind of odd, so i had 2 questions. 1. is it harder to get ranked wins on EU servers than NA? 2. is it possible that since new season just started that this particular deck will not shine until a little bit later on when things settle down?
I guess this might be it, since the ladder reset my ratio dropped down to 40-50 % still working pretty decently for me. I am sorry if it didn't work for you that well. I let it run for about 500 games now and its pretty much 50% win ratio so far in ranked for me :s edit: are you really sure you have set it all up correctly with sivler fish ai? I have left it running one time with the standard HB AI, which sucked so bad .. maybe? edit2: rank 11