With Goldseller you can set it to deposit farmed goods in your guildbank or sent them to one of your alts by mail.
First link doesn't help at all, does it? Second explains what I wanted to know So if I simple want to farm for myself there is no difference. Hm, no diffenrence in the license. Then, why is there a standard version if standard + mail = goldseller ? Thank you for your answers. I see, if I only want to farm goods for myselt, the version doesn't matter for me (just farming 1-2 hours a day).
Standard = for casuals not bothering to set up much stuff Goldseller for farmers with multimple accounts not wanting to unload farmed stuff by hand
I guess it was only helpful if you read the thread. Taken from the 1st post. of the thread. GB Standard Cost: 80 euro lifetime Sessions: 3 sessions of HB or GB Features : - GB Gold Seller Cost: ? Sessions: ? Features : -Can send mail's to alts with loot -Can deposit loot in guild bank
standard is "log out after X hour or bags full" usually for just main acct. gold seller is for people who can recover from a ban