I installed fresh Windows and HB with Silverfish and now the bot doesn't do anything, can someone help me? LE: instead of doing any actions just keeps ending turns...
I seem to have major problems when I'm using silverfish. I'm not lagging, everything is perfect. The problem is that it won't target. If I switch back to default bot (.), then it targets perfect - it only happens when I use silverfish :/ It dosen't matter if it restart or anything. :/ Here's a log file: View attachment UILogg_2014-08-11_23-43-58.txt Want me to make a ticket in support section? This is gonna sound odd.. but it helped resizeing my hs window.. now it works.. >_>
One thing: do not silence Ragnaros. Well, there are some situations, where you would silence him. But generally, 29/30 you shouldn't silence him, nor should bot.
Hi! Solang sich niemand beschwert werde ich mal weiter deutsch schreiben. Silverfish hat eben mit meinem Hexer (Murloc) gespielt gegen einen hunter und hatte 2 Murlocs auf dem Feld + einen 2/1er. Der Hunter spielt die Sprengfalle und der Bot spielt danach einen 2/2 Raid leader und rammt in die Sprengfalle wodurch alle sterben. Er hatte dazu noch einen Murloc auf der Hand (Coldlight Seer) welcher allen Murlocs 2 Leben gibt wodurch sie überlebt hätten. View attachment UILogg_2014-08-12_17-34-42.txt
after you win or lose,the screen with the rating remains and the bot does nothing. yesterday this was not the case.
Just a small suggestion. Dire Wolf Alpha shouldn't be played before knife juggler if you have both in your hand and there are no creatures on the board. The wolf helps no one and the knife juggler doesn't get to toss a knife. It's a wasted opportunity
Playing a control warrior atm and the bot is really stupid when it comes to 1/1 minions. Instead of going for the face with alexstrasza (vs a paladin), it decided to go for a 1/1 (2mana class spell) minion instead. This happended several times, also while being equiped with a 3/2 weapon that would have won the game if it would've just gone for the face instead. Could also have used "Shield slam" to kill a minion that would have changed the odds a little bit, but it decided not to.
noticed two things happened playing a mage deck: 1. there was a bad placement of Defender of Argus (all the way to the right instead of between 2 mobs that could benefit from the battlecry 2. Ended the turn with available mana and two potential drops from my hand but didnt play either. log: Mage .87 - Pastebin.com these both happened near the end of the fight
Possible to change that? Without having to know a lot about coding I mean? Pretty useless to kill a 1/1 minion with a 8/8 minion. I would ofc understand if it was necessary, that I would die if it didnt. It didnt even clear the board as there was 3 enemies on the board, (1x 1/1 - 1x 1/1 w/ DS - 1x 1/1). Should've just gone straight for the face since the gap was so big, not worth it to kill a 1/1 unless you would die otherwise or both minions were 1/1.
ATM i would wait to see what comes next from botmaker he is currently re writing his 20k+ lines of code I Loki g foward to greatness soon
Report : It's casting Lord Jaraxxus when i have 20+ health left View attachment Bot 10160 2014-08-18 00.20.txt