So in the last week or two it seems that my bot is crashing after 2-6 games consistently which is rather frustrating. I dont get a big error code all it says is this [00:03:54.793 N] minion attack: Grimscale Oracle target: Rexxar [00:03:58.691 N] calculating stuff... 19:03:58.6914 [00:03:58.691 N] calculating ended! 19:03:58.6914 [00:03:58.691 N] end turn [00:04:02.989 N] Session is invalid! It says session is invalid each time. Is this a hearth buddy issue or is it a hearthstone issue? I would like to get it resolved.
View attachment Bot 2220 2014-08-14 22.01.txt View attachment Bot 3576 2014-08-14 18.51.txt 2 examples