I am attempting to Train a recipe that is sold by a Repair Vendor. I have tried Interactwith and gossipoptions among other things, but I can't seem to find the code to make it work in a QUEST type profile. The vendor is Kol Ironpaw at Halfhill and the recipe is Charbroiled Tiger Steak. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanx Sorry for my username, I have requested a change.
If you have the cost to buy it, you can use InteractWith. InteractWith InteractByBuyingItemId="12345" BuyItemCount="1" Then use the item: CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(12345)" that should work. 1 issue is "do i have the recipe already". I dont THINK a HasSpell check returns for recipes...so...unless you can figure out how to return this check correctly, it would try to buy it all the time...i think.