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  • Casual Botter risks?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Campster, Aug 17, 2014.

    1. Campster

      Campster New Member

      Aug 17, 2014
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      I am a bit new to the botting scene (bout a few weeks in). I am curious on the risk on casual botting minus the initial response of, "there is always a risk botting." The thought is that with a profit of perhaps 2-4k a week with perhaps about 3 hours a week give or take I see that this is very low botting compared to many others. I understand that there is still the chance of being banned for botting, but would this be considered a "low" chance rate of getting detected. (I barely break 30-40 each session so not very much).
    2. Sucubich

      Sucubich New Member

      Dec 29, 2012
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      3 hours a week of botting? You might as well protect your account and just do that by hand.
    3. Campster

      Campster New Member

      Aug 17, 2014
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      Like I said I only recently just started. This time might increase as the months come.

      Added this is 3-4k just sitting by watching and playing other games at the sametime.
    4. Sucubich

      Sucubich New Member

      Dec 29, 2012
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      There is no safety to botting. Its luck of the draw as all the ways blizzard detects us botting are speculations. Best way to protect yourself is to not bot. There is always a risk associated. It also depends on what you are doing. A lot of the bans I am assuming are from the movements the bot makes or someone reporting your toon.
    5. Campster

      Campster New Member

      Aug 17, 2014
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      I realize this otherwise I wouldn't of started haha. Just farming ore for a little here and there. Sounds like just luck of the draw minus initial of botting risk.
    6. BubbaDad

      BubbaDad Member

      Jul 29, 2013
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      Botting is addictive and removes those mundane tasks from you. Its like heroin, you try it once and its impossible to kick.
    7. Tricen

      Tricen Community Developer

      Jan 21, 2010
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      Simple thing is, if you choose to bot then do not be stupid with it.

      Now.. Coming from a person who typically bots in 12 hour sessions.. I've had a couple accounts banned. Never my main. Why? Answer is quite simple, I don't risk that account. I usually buy dirt cheap 90's, and bot. Pay for a transfer, sell what I need. Pocket cash, or even transfer to farm on my server for my main account.
    8. Rabbit1

      Rabbit1 Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      Its down to this really:
      Did someone report you botting?
      Was the profile you used already flagged by Blizzard? (As in the route it takes or the spot)

      I've been an idiot and botted a public profile for days and didn't get a ban, other times i've used a private profile and gotten banned in a few hours.
      Its all about who saw you really.
    9. DeeJay42

      DeeJay42 New Member

      Aug 13, 2014
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      I'm also a casual botter. Since WoW has come out, I've had two kids and now have less time to play WoW. Botting has made it still possible to play and be a parent.

      Most bots are nailed by player reports. If your AFK botting around the timeless isle during prime time your more likely to get reported than if your leveling up an alt. If your going to bot rep, make sure you are close and can respond if someone sends you a group invite and a tell. I use the addon WIM to make sure no tells get lost in spam chat. I just respond telling them "No thanks for the group, wife will be home any minute and noone needs wife aggro". That usually gets a laugh and they leave the bot alone after that.

      Any AFK botting is more dangerous. I've walked back into my office and seen my bot stuck on a wall, or running around in a pattern. If a character is running 20 years back an forth in a line for 30 minutes, it will look very suspicious to anyone.

      Another thing that will draw suspicion is if you unload lots of ore/herbs on the auction house. I've used gatherbuddy many times with no problem to level up blacksmithing, engineering, jewelcrafting and alchemy on alts. That's hours of farming. Instead of pushing all those mats onto the AH, they were burned leveling up alts profs. This makes the chances of being reported very small.

      To earn gold I've been running the dailies. I've not make a ton of gold off them, but I've not been hurting. I've had enough gold to get epic flying on all my 90s (8) and buy mats from the AH when needed.

      In summary think about it like this -- if you were not botting, what would piss you off and make you report someone.
      1) Someone grinding away on mobs that your doing manually.
      2) Someone putting up mats on the AH for less than you can.
      3) Someone causing your BG group to lose because bots don't have strategy in BGs
      4) Someone taking your mobs/nodes when your trying to play the game.
      5) Someone not responding to tells/group invites.
      Limit those situations where this would happen and your less likely to be banned.
    10. redstagl

      redstagl New Member

      Jun 22, 2014
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      Always a risk like others said, just by attaching HB to the client.

      It can be very very tempting to start trying to bot everything, but if you do it responsibly it has a low risk, but you can still be caught/reported. Just because you bot for an hour, doesn't mean the bot can't get stuck on a rock and run into it the entire time or someone whisper you asking if your a bot or to just kill the same quest mobs causing suspicion and you don't happen to see it.

      I never leave my bot on if I am not around the computer, so I can personally reply to tells, move it if it gets stuck asap, I talk to my friends in guild or realID as the bots questing/farming mats to craft. I don't let it farm materials for hours on end, use those mats for crafting and I use it for a CR most of the time, with a bit of leveling via quests here and there, gathering very rarely.
    11. MrB

      MrB Member

      Jun 29, 2010
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      Just go big, you're at risk anyway. It'd be pretty damn unlucky to get banned straight away. Why 2-4k a week anyway? It's not worth it, go for 2-4k per day. 4k is small change in WoW, no point saving up for 10 weeks to get something you could easily have in 1.

      When I say big, I just mean bigger than you're planning on, not going proper big!

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