When i downloaded the newest client of honorbuddy and trying to start it, It saying "Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired." Or That it isnt a vaild wow i got open'd, Ive checked so i didnt got d9d11. I got D3D9. .Net framework 3,5 100% WoW. Help me please.
[12:40:01:171] ------------------------------- [12:40:01:187] You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! [12:40:01:187] Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid WoW instance to use Honorbuddy. [12:40:01:187] ------------------------------- [12:39:34:250] Attached to WoW with ID 4944 [12:39:34:250] Loading Honorbuddy settings. [12:39:45:78] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. vid BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute() vid Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.GetObjectName() [12:39:58:0] ------------------------------- [12:39:58:0] You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! [12:39:58:0] Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid WoW instance to use Honorbuddy. [12:39:58:0] ------------------------------- [12:39:59:687] ------------------------------- [12:39:59:687] You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! [12:39:59:687] Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid WoW instance to use Honorbuddy. [12:39:59:687] ------------------------------- [12:40:22:609] Authenticating.. [12:40:25:843] [12:40:25:859] Authentication successful. [12:40:28:406] Could not construct instance of IBLoader! Exception was thrown. Exception: [12:40:28:406] Ett undantagsfel har uppst?tt i m?let f?r en aktivering. [12:40:28:406] New bot added!: Grind bot [12:40:28:421] New bot added!: PvP [12:40:28:421] New bot added!: Mixed [12:40:28:437] New bot added!: RaF - Combat Assist [12:40:28:437] New bot added!: Questing - Beta [12:40:34:515] Authenticating.. [12:40:36:890] [12:40:36:890] Authentication successful. [12:40:47:375] Could not construct instance of IBLoader! Exception was thrown. Exception: [12:40:47:375] Ett undantagsfel har uppst?tt i m?let f?r en aktivering. [12:40:47:390] New bot added!: Grind bot [12:40:47:390] New bot added!: PvP [12:40:47:390] New bot added!: Mixed [12:40:47:390] New bot added!: RaF - Combat Assist [12:40:47:390] New bot added!: Questing - Beta [12:40:47:531] Honorbuddy started! [12:40:47:531] Using wow with process id: 4944 [12:40:47:531] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 [12:40:47:531] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\Honorbuddy.exe [12:40:47:531] Character is a level 80 Hunter [12:40:47:531] Building spell book [12:40:47:531] Current zone is: Grizzly Hills [12:40:47:531] Spell book built [12:40:47:546] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Death Knight [12:40:48:62] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Druid [12:40:48:828] MeshesFolderPath has no value yet! [12:40:48:828] FormLocationX: 20 [12:40:48:828] FormLocationY: 20 [12:40:48:828] UseExperimentalPathFollowing: True [12:40:48:828] KillBetweenHotspots: True [12:40:48:828] LogoutForInactivity: True [12:40:48:828] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10 [12:40:48:828] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False [12:40:48:828] SelectedBotIndex: 1 [12:40:48:828] FoodName: Food Name Here [12:40:48:828] DrinkName: Drink Name Here [12:40:48:828] MountName: Mount Name Here [12:40:48:828] LootMobs: True [12:40:48:828] SkinMobs: False [12:40:48:828] NinjaSkin: False [12:40:48:828] LootChests: True [12:40:48:828] HarvestMinerals: False [12:40:48:828] HarvestHerbs: False [12:40:48:828] UseMount: False [12:40:48:828] PullDistance: 30 [12:40:48:828] LootRadius: 45 [12:40:48:828] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [12:40:48:828] TrainNewSkills: False [12:40:48:828] LearnFlightPaths: True [12:40:48:828] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [12:40:48:828] GroundMountFarmingMode: False [12:40:48:828] LastUsedPath: C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\Default Profiles\WSG.xml [12:40:48:828] MountDistance: 75 [12:40:49:171] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Hunter [12:40:49:515] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Mage [12:40:50:62] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Paladin [12:40:50:453] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Priest [12:40:50:750] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Rogue [12:40:51:78] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Shaman [12:40:51:546] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Warlock [12:40:51:921] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\Default Warrior [12:40:52:781] Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\?ll\Skrivbord\HONORBUDDY\CustomClasses\TankWarrior [12:41:01:734] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired.
I done that now and this comes up now "------------------------------- You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid WoW instance to use Honorbuddy. -------------------------------"