Where do you guys get your extra accs from? I am playing with the thought of getting some almost constant farmers up, but will require additional accounts for that - so where do you guys get your full battlechests (vanilla, BC, WOTLK) from and how much do you give?
I bought Vanilla TBC + WOWTLK for 50 euro's .. You can buy my wow account for 90 iff y ou want =].. have a 80 lock and almost a 80 priest on it..
he doesn't mean you Jianyu... ANyhow i buy keys on ebay with fast send : 6,79 Vanilla - 6,49-6.99 - WOTLK 24,90 = 38ish Euros = 51 $.. but not 50 EUR
SwagVault or GameVive. Alot of ppl seems to like Offgamers. US or EU? Couldn't find that cheap keys on eBay, neither Ebay UK or Ebay US