I've purchased a honorbuddy key from ownedcore member and I was wondering, is it possible to merge my current key with the new one together so it would be total 4 lifetime sessions? or do I just have to create two different folders and use 'em separately.
I'm not sure what the "rules and regulations" say about selling/buying keys from another honorbuddy member and what they have to approve for you to take ownership of the key ( they could report it compromised and ask for a new key). But I would advise getting a hold of Tony - the SUPER mod who will be able to help you as best as he can! ( let him know I need key help as well if you get a hold of him )
tony while your here i got a quik one for ya i got one honorbuddy key but i want to set up a 5 man team that means i gotta buy 2x3 unlimited sessions is there a way to merge those 2x3 unlimited sessions and my original key into just one key that can run the 7 sessions at once?
yes you can, email support@thebuddyforum.com and request it to be done I have done it before with 2x 3 session keys now i run 6 honorbuddy from same key