Bot (alpha 8) don't use Death's Bite when he can win with this weapon. UILogg_2014-08-24_16-58-52.txt
update alpha9: -fixed shadow word pain -fixed charge detection granted by charge (the card ) edit: on vacation for a week
tested with alpha8 (didn't know 9 was released) it's doing weird things when ennemy drops a Abomination two times I saw, first one didn't attaked with anything and skipped turn (had to stop and manually kill him next turn) second time it dropped minions then attak, killing just dropped minions with abomination deathrattle
I think it's those two!uRV0hBCT!yhuPVJCWSLZ09xlYViHDq1o6Shdu8ZW25Ckkd2stSFM!7A0QTZKJ!GwNHInyp9kyCkKu9Sz7DriE2wrMsYsgTf1sdvkskyCA
alpha 9, bot just placed a Harvest Golem when there was a doomsayer on field and was unable to kill it View attachment Bot 5084 2014-08-25 16.34.txt
Is it possible to get mage to ping Gurubashi Berserker and attack with it rather than pinging opponent hero and then attack with GB? I think if the field is clear and GB's health is over 5 it should ping for sure, I have watched the bot on several games where if it had done this it would have gotten 3-9 more damage and ended the game a few turns earlier. It also would be nice to ping if we are going to use GB to clear opponent minions if the attack is lower than the minions health and pinging makes trades more favorable.
is there anyway we can help by adding lines of code, or is the coding far to complex and only you would understand it obtmaker?
So you are doing something wrong.. its an awsome logic! really good. got my hunter and warrior to gold. warrior 88/12 wins.
Bot maker might be able to do something i dont think so. but when HeB starts being able to use Silverfish combo.tct then yes like Mulligan.txt because you make make your own.
That would be nice, some simple files that we can mangle without screwing up the main AI or preventing updates from working properly would be great.
Hello, I used Siverfish API but I've an error : => I looked at the file UILogg_2014-08-26_18-24-11.txt : => I have my own deck => The AI is going to pass every turn on all my decks Can someone explain to me the reason for this? =) Ps : sorry for my bad english i'm french