Sorry but this plugin is an "as-is" plugin. I don't have any plans of updating this or adding new features anytime soon. If there is an actual bug where it's not working right, then I can look into it, but I'm busy working on other projects for RB that will eventually get released to the public at a later time.
Just wondering if this can be used with Animus FATES as well? I tried fate bot, didnt quite work as planned as it tried to go to all FATEs (as expected) therefore missing out the one fate that really must be done and takes ages to spawn (Giant Seps)
It currently ONLY teleports you around to zone appropriate places based off of your level and that is it.
Fate Hunter does NOT come stock with Reborn Buddy. It is an external plugin created to accommodate FateBot. I have currently removed the download link while I am working on a few things. Please do not distribute any existing version of Fate Hunter. I will upload a new version of the plugin once I am done making changes.
Any hints as to the added new features? I tried an old version I have and it just kept taking me to camp bluefrog (where not many fates spawned). Crossing my fingers we see soemthing fun and exciting to increase xp/hr.
Hi, im new to RebornBuddy, and was wondering if there was a ETA on this plugin really excited to use it
It would be helpful if the author edited his original post. This has been asked about half a dozen times that I am aware of, and I certainly can't blame people for not scouring the entire thread to see what's up. Adding it to the initial post would certainly clear up confusion.