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  • [HELP PLS] Server For Botting

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by neguiry, Aug 26, 2014.

    1. neguiry

      neguiry New Member

      Aug 25, 2014
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      I am looking to buy a server that I can use for botting on multiple accounts by using VMWare. Currently my own PC can run about 8 bots at once, but I would like to be able to run as many as possible.

      I built my own PC so I do have some hardware knowledge, but looking at servers online I am pretty lost, would appreciate if anybody could give me advice or a recommendation about a good server for hosting bots.

      I am setting my budget around $1000-$1500. The bot will be used for the following games; league of legends, sw:tor, path of exile, neverwinter, hearthstone and diablo.

      Currently I am only running a league of legends bot in vmware with the follow specs; 1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 15GB HDD.
      My CPU is AMD Phenom II Quadcore 3.20 GHz, 16GB RAM and I have a 1GB Radeon HD 6870
    2. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      You're looking for a personal computer I suppose?
    3. bloodmarks

      bloodmarks New Member

      Jan 31, 2013
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      3 options:
      - buy PC/server/whatever fast enough for your needs, and send it by post to some hosting provider that offers "colocation"
      they charge you $20 - $40 for electricity/bandwidth per month usually if its far from where you live make sure it will not break (hardware-wise) otherwise you need to pay again for sending new server, and recieving old broken one

      - rent on monthly basis from hosting provider some server that has good enough hardware, that way you have to pay more in long run but you can stop paying anytime you want so if your business does not catch up just cancel contract usually its around $50 - $200 per month depending on number of CPUs, memory and bandwidth needed, most providers dont have servers with GPU so you might to pay that extra

      - rent on hourly basis from Amazon one of their GPU instances, can be expensive but if you bot only 8 hours a day you pay just one third, if you don't bot weekends you save money there ... also if you start needing more servers in few minutes they can start you more instances (for more money off course), generally most expensive solution but has good scaling ...

      4th (cheapest) option if you live in country with good internet, rent nice cable or fiber conection to your house, put server rack in basement and start piling up servers, dont forget to ask electrician to enable more power use for your house, each server can use between 200w and 500w of power depending on amount of CPUs and what GPU is used and normal house electrical system should enable around 10KW - 15KW of power max
    4. neguiry

      neguiry New Member

      Aug 25, 2014
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      Yeah thanks, it was more of the 4th option I had in mind. Although its more of selecting a server with the correct hardware that I am unsure about.

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