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  • A bit frustrated with this bot

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nixon233, Aug 27, 2014.

    1. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Pushed, I understand that you have a life and you have rewrote this bot to make it easier for the "community" to develop for. Recently, after reading the majority of your posts I feel as if you are basically designing this bot to be just an architecture for other developers and only providing minor support for updates. What I'm getting at is that I feel as if you are setting up to get the basics and then washing your hands of this besides updates that will be needed. Granted you have put in a ton of effort and I am a fan of your previous work but this doesn't feel like a buddy product at all. Now I can get flamed all you guys want but the product website says that it will be a mapping questing bot. You don't learn until afterwards that you probably have to develop everything yourself.

      I am happy that you are continuing to develope for this and making it the way it is and I hope you do prove me wrong. You can see where I feel this way ( I'm sure I'm not the only one ). I just hope something comes of this because so far the development community is pretty dead.

      Inc. Flames
    2. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Most buddy products are community developed. like look at the other products, a large chunk is from community developers. Why do people keep insisting one person develop every thing?
    3. alter5

      alter5 Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      yeah now only change the front page because it doesnt seem to work as claimed there.

      View attachment 139708
    4. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Did you read the whole post before downloading, then running the bot? You clearly did not.

      That's why push should have not left a link but left words on where the download would be, then people would actually read before making useless posts about things that have already been noted, otherwise information has been given to.
    5. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      People such as my self are making posts and getting frustrated because it's not what is advertised and what people paid for. You and I argue quite frequently, and I agree community on other games build the bot for what it is. But A. The community on this game or atleast for this bot is lacking heavily, and B. Even the community with other bots such as demon, tankbuddy and especially demon hunter, could run without any community help. This bot will need community help ( from what it sounds like ) to do stuff that it was advertised to do from day 1 purchase.

      Also, we expect one person or a couple to make the bot because the competition has one person developing a bot that has the features that this one lacks ( although it crashes more) that's why people are expecting this bot to be better than that.
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
    6. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Valid points but.
      Bot DID do what was advertised, and with updates to the bot it will again do what is advertised. Keep in mind, that advertisement was from back in the day, before you even joined the forums. The bot did all of this and more, as the game evolves, so too must and is the bot. What you people do not seem to factor is, shit takes time son, patch came out 6 days ago, and everyone is expecting the bot to be the same as it was prior to patch. It's not humanly possible even with a team of 50 people working on the bot, no software that requires massive reversing can do what people are expecting within a week.
      The other communities have been around a whole lot longer, have larger customer base. This in itself makes comparing this bot to other games of the community bots invalid. To verify a sample size, one must have the same if not adequate sample size, David cannot be compared to Goliath.

      The other bot I assume advertised this
      Their bot currently does not do this, if you crash, does it auto restart?
      What combat routine?

      Please do not use "what is advertised" on a product that is constantly updating due to a game that is constantly updating, it will be an invalid point.

      What feature does this one lack (not stating the current state of the bot as a revamp was made), but prior.
      Mapping? I was mapping
      Intelligent filters? Buddy has it and working, the "other bot" would sell things I wanted to keep, thank god I didn't put my mirror on that account, shit would probably have been sold too.

      I understand the eagerness of everyone to get botting and potentially making money, keep in mind. Botting is only one step of the RMT cycle, one must bypass the bans as well.
    7. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      I joined the forums on a later date but bought the bot from the get go. I wasnt saying the other bot is perfect by any means at all. In fact I don't use it because of its crashing and "fixes" that break previous stuff. Previous verisons of this bot however didn't map out of the box, do quests and just recently did it farm a boss. Also, the loot filter from release to the previous beta were totally different, filtering specific end game rares was near impossible on release. Also, not to stir the piss pot but it isn't impossible to have day one updates of massive patches. Demon buddy does it and so does the other two poe bots. It is impossible to do a total rewrite like he is doing in one day so I will give you that.

      I'm sure myself and the rest of the community just want a bot or something for what we paid for, or take buying it off the market for the moment. It's not fair to anyone to develope a base of something and hope a community will fulfil your advertising. Here's a car frame and plans for a engine now wait for people to build the rest...
    8. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Again Valid Point. Demon and other games have multi million dollar companies working to make the game, the coding and reversing said game are much much easier, on a grand scale. If you get a chance to check out and reverse poe, it's shit bag of code. That being said, updating offsets and whatnot, literally takes a few seconds, as we can AOB scan and shit. I haven't seen the other bots mention anything about supporting the masters at all. I'd give them a year or so to do that, by that time, we already have a full expansion on our hands. What push is doing I assume is having a framework done so in the future, when we do get big updates from the game, he can from the get go update and have a running bots within a small time frame. The bot was long due for an overhaul with it's bugs that all of us have noticed. The re-write does things form a designer's perspective, much much better, optimizations aside. I support him in his en devour, even if we have to wait.
      Sure you can go and use other bots, when you( not directed specifically at you Nixon233) come crying back when there;s a fully functional bot, I'll be here with a "I told with a "I told you so, now kiss my feet" attitude, so don't expect any help ( via pms).
      I'm pretty sure there are many others out there with more then 100 lifetime keys like me, I don't know who you are, but I don't see them whining much. Patience is a virtue, and one that will pay off.
    9. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      As I stated before, I am not singing graces of any of the other companies bots, infact I won't support them anymore with the way they are developing ( previous issue's coming up after being fixed the first time ) and the ban rate. Before you and I started this debate, I clearly just wanted to know if this will be supported by Pushed or do we have to wait until a community member steps up, if any to make the bot function as stated when the product was sold to me and many others on here. If not, great no sweat off my back I'd just like a refund for it. If so, I am more than willing to sit and wait until the cows come home as like you, I prefer quality over something just pushed out to honor its feature list.
    10. stonerton

      stonerton New Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Grabs some popcorn and waits for the debate to continue while I wait for the bot to back up and running out of beta
    11. iargue

      iargue Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      Please read the Beta update thread. It answers this thread exactly (Hint; it repeatedly said more features are coming. And repeatedly said this is a beta meant to get developers quicker access to the bot)
    12. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Please read my posts before you jump into this thread. I know this is your thing by looking at your username.
    13. iargue

      iargue Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      I read the entire thread. Again. Everything you have questions about has already been answered previously by pushedex. There is literally nothing else to say on the subject.
    14. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Really, because he hasn't said anything even when asked if he will be implementing mapping or total boss farming. So he has eh ? care to link it then I will shut up and ask for thread to delete, this is literally all I want lol
    15. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Mapping and bot farming are possible through plugins or preferably CS routines, which was the same as last release. Just gotta get the bot to farm, wp and stuff. Soon.
    16. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      So what your saying is community ? lol like we are beating a dead horse here. Just a straight answer. Either developed by him, or by the community
    17. Nexic

      Nexic Member

      Aug 30, 2013
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      Okay... https://www.thebuddyforum.com/exilebuddy-forum/171871-exilebuddy-beta-questions.html states that map farming/boss farming is in the works.

      I assume you have never coded before or you would understand the tediousness that goes into each line of code and how testing takes forever... it's not done by magic. He honestly cannot develop all the code himself for every build, spec, or other misc. thing in the game. It is like asking you to play every build and write a specific customized bot for it (which judging by your responses you have no experience in). The ironic part is, even if he COULD write code for each individual aspect of the game, people would STILL complain, like you are right now, because it's not how they specifically want it.

      Regardless, calm down and wait. It honestly only gets better from here. If you feel as though you've been wronged... then tough fucking cookies. A lot of injustice happens in the world, exilebuddy not living up to your expectations isn't one of them.
    18. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      I'm not asking for builds or CR. I have already made my own CR for the release version of the bot and yes it is a pain in the ass. Your link doesn't say shit by the way, just more of him saying the API supports it. So if your going to link something please make it worth my while to read.
    19. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Ok Let's put it this way, what bot can map and bot farm. Please let me know, I know one that can map, but that shit doesn't work too well, it will sometimes use maps you don't want it to use. Oh wait, you might already know this.
      Wait, then what's the point of ranting about maping and boss farming when there's none that can do it efficiently. Bonus icing on the cake. Unless you can somehow face tank bosses, without a proper CR, maping and boss farming is worth shit, you will die. Dying is bad in both leagues.

      Edit of an Edit.
      What bot support API and has the most potential for community development? You sir have invalidated all your points.
    20. Nuked

      Nuked New Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      This is like the 3d time the bot is remade? It kunda sucks, now we are back again to bot status like 1 year ago...last time it got remade it lacked some old features like 2 months ago but it was still good, but now back to pure basic...
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2014

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