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  • What to do with Herbs?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by TheGodOfWar, Aug 27, 2014.

    1. TheGodOfWar

      TheGodOfWar New Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      I just recently resubbed to WoW and thus have started botting again. I only bot on my main just to have a good amount of cash to play with. I used to just farm herbs and ore and make rings/necks from the gems and shoulder enchants from the herbs, but the shoulder enchants are only going for 2 gp at a vendor. I can't remember but I don't think it was that low. So what are you guys doing with your bulk herbs? I have mine/herb, alch/jc, enchant, inscrip.
    2. HB3717X64

      HB3717X64 New Member

      Jun 20, 2011
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      You are remembering correctly, the enchants used to sell for more, then blizz nerfed it. Common ways to make money would by glyphs, pots/flasks, or selling in bulk to a private buyer. Which is best for you, I do not know. Maybe someone else is better able to give general advice on these things.

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