I've spent the last few hours trying to find a solution to test if a user has switched a setting from default false to true to initiate a line of code, but nothing has compiled correctly. <Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="Alchemy" Summary="Levels Alchemy to 600" Category="Primary Professions" Global="False" Hidden="False" /> <If Condition="(bool)Settings["Alchemy""> <CustomAction Code="MyLog("Loading Alchemy." );"/> </If>
did you forget a ']' ? <If Condition="(bool)Settings["Alchemy"]"> well I have the same structure in my PB profiles and it works
I got it working, tried all different variations of brackets, comas, quotations just seems to be how the order lined up in my profile. MyLog however is not functioning now, and it wont recognize custom behaviors...
oh well i havent seen the MyLog behavior must be new (to me at least) mine is just Log: Code: <CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Crimson,"AHBOT: ",Colors.BlanchedAlmond,"BUYING HERBS");" />
I wonder why anyone hasn't just programmed a standalone botbase to level a profession from 1-max, must be difficult?
Its damn near impossible due to quest errors, pathing issues, and various in game mechanics that can't be scripted yet. My goal with what I am working on is to set 5 accounts with chosen professions and specs, and the bot will grind out to level 90, grind out the professions, and grab the required gear. I will be extending this to 100 when WoD drops and posting a free and premium version.