Hey doods, I'm quiet new to this forum but I want to be DE PROFILEMASTER I did some RAF with my friend to get 85 but I decided not to Quest the whole MOPCR*P but grind me into heaven instead Here's what you get Where? Jade Forest What? Silverhorn Stag/Silverhorn Yearling Why? Tested some Profiles for Jade, but there were always some 90s leveling SKINNING?!... How much XP? 85-87 BloodDK with Frost Adventure-Set [3-4 MILL/h unrested], 88-89 FrostDK [3-3.2 MILL/h unrested] Mail? No. Vendor? No. Loot? Yes, I use Potion of Luck and get a bunch of Motes, Greens and some Gold [I guess turning looting off wont give that big Time] Plugins? Strongly recommend Mr. ItemRemover 2 [lot of greys] Changelog v1.2: Added MaxDistance to stay in area Would be happy about some Replies
Bot gets stuck at this position every time, runs in an endless loop against the little wall, therefore it is not afkable.
Never got this issue, added maxdistance 60 now to stay in the area, if the problem happens more often, I'll blacklist this spot. Maybe Ill do it tomorrow
After another few rounds he sometimes got stuck there and sometimes not.... Why isn't unstuck movement triggered? Haven't used the grindbot for a while but it should also have the unstucker right?
Yes there should be something like "unstuck helper" in the Plugins maybe your HB got outdated pluginfolder
no have a complete fresh installation. Something else, this morning i found the bot being stuck fighting against lvl 90 elites in the south near pearlein village and moonwater retreat. It seems he got stuck there for hours during night.
Yea I had this problem either, I managed maxdistance to get rid of it, in the v1.2 I changed the distance, maybe you should try if you didnt
XP/HR: 3482075 Kills: 2803 (442/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) 87 lvl FeralDru,exelent profile,thx for it. =) P.S: in 85 lvl,Dru have ~4.3 mln XP/HR
This profile is still awesome for me. Here's a screenshot + item info: That item is worth up to 5K gold on my realm! WoW Auction House Prices / Ced's Crusher, US - Eonar / Horde I'm not sure what happened, or what it happened, or how it happened...overnight, I went to sleep and came back to THIS: Very pleased, haha.
Hey, you are not "DE PROFILEMASTER" with copying my handmade-profile and simply add some waypoints, lol btw: there is also a profile from mirabis in this location, its for alliance with mailbox
Came back again to this profile. STILL rocks! Class: Shaman Spec: Elemental Start level: 86 End level: 89 (+4 bars) Stop reason: User stopped the bot. 10.5 hours total. Screenshot of bot stats:
Best profile for 85-89. Takes 7 hours and 34 minutes to do 89-90 at 1.9m an hour or something around that figure. Thanks for a very reliable leveling spot and it's also made me a ton of gold in BoE greens and a few blues.
Just started the bot. Will report back in the morning. Don't get much time to play wow so hopefully this will get me to 90 real quick.