This is a profile I've written to do the empire dailies on Section X. Instructions: You can start the profile immediately after arriving at Section X. This profile has many conditions based on your location and will use the neccessary elevators as required for the mission at hand (but it doesn't account for all situations; if this occurs, simply return to where you left off/died). This profile conducts the missions in the following order: [DAILY] Hyperbiology [DAILY] Tactical Misfire [DAILY] Data Raid [DAILY] March of the Dread Guard The profile will pause and prompt you at the following intervals: Once during [DAILY] Hyperbiology Once during [DAILY] Tactical Misfire Once during [DAILY] March of the Dread Guard Additional notes: - You may experience issues returning to your previous location if you die while running this profile. Try not to die or you may have to run back manually. - Make every precaution to increase your mortality rate by gearing out your character and companion. Other items such as Medpacs help too. - During [DAILY] Tactical Misfire, the player may occasionally walk into a console . If you're supervising, you can jump over it. If not, Buddy Wing should work its way around it eventually. - Tested with Juggernaut, Sniper, Assassin, Bounty Hunter View attachment [E] Section X Dailies [Bishop007].xml
i have assasin dont work for me only Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested? Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop() Nav callback called. Path Generation Failed: FindEndPoly, Start: X: 68.70399, Y: 13.74282, Z: -205.8912, Flags: 0, End: X: -17.70022, Y: 5.571, Z: 93.81511, Flags: 0, Partial: False Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop() We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash! [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped Resetting force alignment settings. QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. Resetting current behavior. QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. Resetting current behavior. Calling OnDone() on current behavior. PickupQuestTag: ObjectName: Mission Terminal, X: -17,70022, Y: 5,571, Z: 93,81511, Position: <-17.70022, 5.571, 93.81511>, Type: Placeable, ProfileUseRange: 2, ProfileSearchRadius: 5, SearchRadius: 0,5, WaitTime: 1, IgnoreLOS: False, UseRange: 0,2, Object: null, QuestId: 16140946956278874597, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Step Lightly, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector,
Hi - Just tested this with Sith Inquistor, and it picks up quests, takes elevator to area, and moves to object area, but then does nothing furter but tree to interact with object acc. to BW, but toon is nowhere near the object yet.
Grabbed this profile today, hoping it would work. So far, it seems ok, except now its like "stutter stepping".. moves in small batches, like 2-3 steps. waits for 30-60 seconds and does it again. its happening so much, its almost unbearable.. does not happen with other profiles.