Just take the german law with this blizzard wanted to get the bot stopped and smash it in the blizz hq to win for us bot users all over the world.... youre the man to do this ... the only man who has the courage (and your team ofc)
You're not selling drugs you're botting which isn't illigal and if it was the customer information would be shared with the authorities in no case would it be shared with a corporation.
on 27th May in Leipzig - it is about my private liability - the ruling will be announced on 16th July any word on this?
Well, what people do with there charecter are up to them self. you cant have Volvo says, is forbidden to have this program running on your car. what if company makes computer virus (why they should do that i dont know, but lets say they make them to test secuirty and then you have those there makes a antivirus program) should those there makes the virus come and say, you spoil our business ? is a free market and a free country.
thnx for the update i hope we can use hb in wod if not im going to really quit wow im only playing wow because i can use the rotation automaticly so im on the top of healers in raids and pvp if that wasn't there i would be stopped already along time ago and just playing hearthstone or xbox one
Whats new? Did noone go there? It was public and some guys said they would go there and watch it. Or did they all got stuck at St.Pauli?