HAve a favorite settings per character at startup of hb. So you start it up chose the character you want to play (or new char) then it loads the settings last used for that character : CC , last used bot (gb/quest/grind), profile, settings (spec/loot) etc...
Doesn't it basically do this already?
Add please huge pause button above start/stop one.
Please allow flying mounts to be used as ground mount. I have an account with a boosted 90. There are no ground mounts and cannot buy one until rep is high enough. This looks bad in raids when my toon is walking while everyone else is riding.
you can ALWAYS buy your racial ground mount, no rep needed
check Racial mounts - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft
Thanks for the save, Bloodmarks!Actually....your right...thanks for pulling my head out of my ass.
HAve a favorite settings per character at startup of hb. So you start it up chose the character you want to play (or new char) then it loads the settings last used for that character : CC , last used bot (gb/quest/grind), profile, settings (spec/loot) etc...
I think the biggest and best improvement would be to enable playing in 64bit mode. I realize it'd mean a lot of work, but the payoff would be worth it. This would seriously fix most users fps issues. I mainly use HB for combat rotations during raiding, and running at the LOWEST video settings, in a 25m HEROIC, still draws down the FPS like a mad man in 32bit mode, whereas 64 bit is a much faster, smoother engine.
I agree with what was said above, a 64bit version would be great. I would also like to suggest reloging be built into HB as well as automatic depositing of gold into the g-bank. * I know there's things out there that do this such as HBreloger and Areloger but I think these are pretty much staple platforms that should be merged into HB at this point*
Add please huge pause button above start/stop one.
Just wanted to write the same thing. Plz add a big PAUSE button to the interface.
Hi, Dagitbeaver,Being able to locally disable all buddystore streaming in the global settings would be helpful for HB installs in a separate development directory. I know you can individually toggle each individual subscription in the buddyauth, but I'd like to be able to leave them enabled for my general use install, and simply not download any in my development install.
Would be MUCH better improvement for honorbuddy, and seems somewhat simple:
Add the option to deposit Items/Gold into your Guild's Bank.
Therefore, You would be able to bot on one toon, suicide botting it. And all the gold would and items would be deposited into the guilds bank. Then once the account gets banned, you can withdrawl them on your main toon, and it'll add advanced security your main, whilst still goldfarming.
Hi, Jsimmons10,not having to close honnor and reopen it everytime i switch characters. what i mean is if i am playing on a death knight then later on i want to play on a pally i need to close out HB and re open it to do so.
Hi, Micron85,max ilvl vendor feature for sellling blues and greens because were too lazy to d/e them?
TLR Would it be possible to make option to MyCTM QuestBehavior which would disable/enable combat check?
Currently there is this line "!Me.IsActuallyInCombat" which causes MyCTM to not move until bot gets out of combat with mobs and since I would almost always have combat disabled it would basically stop for eternity or atleast until the bot dies.
My own scenario where I would use this is; In dungeon farming I must use CTM sometimes (like karazhan, Grim Batol) to get better movement and currently im usin "RunLikeHell" behavior for CTM but it doesn't support use of "TerminateWhen" which causes lots of problems when bots sometimes die inside instances and therefore I'd love to see this tunable added to this behavior.
I've tested it with removing !Me.IsActuallyInCombat and it worked very well, but I assume it would get changed back with every update so I decided not to start using it like that.
Hi, Maatuska122,
Wrap your MyCTM calls like this:
<DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" ... />
<EnableBehavior Name="Combat" />
<DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9333.853" Y="329.6274" Z="66.87089" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9359.319" Y="324.8475" Z="63.77197" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9378.114" Y="308.944" Z="62.31233" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9396.5" Y="302.9724" Z="61.03114" />
Thats exactly how I use it but it doesn't move when it gets combat with mobs. (keeps moving if player would attack)
Lets say I got 4 MyCTM behaviors.
PHP:<DisableBehavior Name="Combat" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9333.853" Y="329.6274" Z="66.87089" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9359.319" Y="324.8475" Z="63.77197" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9378.114" Y="308.944" Z="62.31233" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="-9396.5" Y="302.9724" Z="61.03114" />
If I aggro mob during first behavior, it moves to end of that coordinate yes. But as long as it stays in combat it wont start next MyCTM.
But instantly after the mob that is attacking bot dies it continues its movement normally and only way I managed to "resolve" it is by removing that line I was talking about.