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  • Could use some help on making gold!

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Paul2906, Sep 12, 2014.

    1. Paul2906

      Paul2906 New Member

      Sep 11, 2014
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      Hey guys, I've started WoW again after a few months. I used to make decent gold by farming Ghost Iron Ore and selling it back when I played. I did make some gold but not THAT much. I started recently again and I've been wondering, what's the best way to make gold right now using Honorbuddy (Gatherbuddy)? I'd really appreciate if you guys could share some of your methods with me. :)
    2. jsimmons10

      jsimmons10 Community Developer

      Feb 15, 2012
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      i use GB for herbs and ghost iron ore to make money. i just simply let the bot gather up untill bags are full and have it drop it in Guild bank untill its filled a few tabs... since my realm sells all the stuff cheap i need alot of it :/. i also been stocking up on flask and elexirs alot for WOD release. to sell at a good price another thing you can do is buy out all the items that are used alot. for example i but out all the ghost iron ore and then smelt it and sell it as bars this can make a good amount but u need to do some math on it to see if its worth it
    3. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      My advice is to Google WOW gold making methods and try a few things, Some things may work for your server and not another so try this site WoWuction - WoW Realms List and look at your realm ..

      after you do that search the HB forums for whatever you might want to try ..I find pet farming decent on my sever, such as http://www.wowhead.com/item=20769

      but no one has a magic formula for you to make gold and if we did probably wouldn't share it ..you really need to do your own research and then find the profile in the HB forum that matches that need

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