Hi! Has anyone ever tried to do 25 man raids with 25 bots? Any successes? I was thinking about it just now and I was wondering how far you could progress with just bots
I to was thinking of this as well. Ud need 2 or 3 computers though even with some beast hardware, but I imagaine its possible. Would be pretty sweet to be able to raid when ever I wanted *my main and 24 bots*...raid times sadly conflict usualy with work. Havnt really used dungeonbuddy though so idk how buggy it is.
lol what do u have running for a GPU and CPU? I got a Nvidia 770 but my bottle neck atm is my I5 processor =/ to many addons haha xD oh and the 2/3 computers was because most ppl that I know that bot don't use there main computer. My *circle* uses old computers to run 1 session each. This helps dramatically with security, and I just assumed everyone else does the same...but then again who knows...maybe there's more ppl that prefer to run with 20-30 clients on 1 computer using 1 Ip and 1 internet mac address....I prefer to be more safe...been boting the same account's sense 2010...never banned yet.
Yea lots of addons will take quite some CPU power ^^ I'm running an i7 4770k and a r9 290 tri-x. I am currently running 5 bots and my processor is not getting higher than 20% (Keep in mind that this includes Windows, Google chrome and a few other light applications), my gpu is not getting higher than 18% but I could tweak the config.wtf file to make it use less gpu power or do a overlock. Now my CPU is still at stock speed to and I know I can get it to atleast 4.5 Ghz so running a 30 bots should not be a problem
yea the 4770k is a beast cpu, you can easily get 4.5-4.6 with 1.275volt's and run all ur bots on there if u wanted...but again IDK if id risk that many accounts tied to 1 IP /mac address. A bit risky IMO lol Then again Im a bit of a security freak XD You running a custom loop or air? I think last I heard even with just a simple AIO-liquid cooler like the corsair h100i youll be fine.....damn all this computer talk makes me wana go play around and upgrade my main rig xD THNX T0B1AS!! lmao my wallets goanna cry 2marow Oh and to try and get back to what this thread was originally about, Ive started using the dungeonbuddy a little more and ran 3 toons through LFR's last night. All went good, my dps was a little low but im sure it was just because I was using the default singular and not a private combat rotation. Unfortunately Ive been away from honorbuddy for a long time so most of my bots are using private bot platforms. As I migrate back towards honorbuddy Ill toss more and more at the dungeonbuddy and see if I can get all 50 rocking and rolling lfr's. Don't hold ur breath for anything soon though, I take my time and move safe. Im sure theres others out there that already run 25man raids, just keep poking around the threads and ull find the info ur looking for, or try other bot's.
Hahaha, I know the feeling! At the moment I am actually using the H100i (it does a great job at keeping my CPU temperatures low), thinking about building a custom loop in the future but not any time soon (would be my first time). If you are worried about about IP's and MAC's you can run each bot on a Virtual machine to have a unique MAC for each account, for the IP you would have to use a ***** or V.PN. Well the i7 4770k was defenetly worth the money in my opinion! Ps. Sorry for me being off-topic ^^
That seems a bit low tbh, I am running a 2600k OC'ed to 4,5 ghz and often see Wow+HB spike between 3-8% running on 25 fps with Dungeonbuddy. I don't think you can run 15+ bots with dungeonbuddy without any serious drawbacks.
I've only been running quests on all 5 of my accounts, it could be possible that it is different when running Dungeonbuddy ( I have not tryed that yet). Here is a screenshot