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  • dungeon Profile probleme

    Discussion in 'Forum de discussion en français' started by chenzhu, Sep 14, 2014.

    1. chenzhu

      chenzhu New Member

      Sep 14, 2014
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      Bonjour j'ai un probleme sur honorbuddy

      je lance donjonbuddy je selectionne le profile dans donjon scripts je selectionne je rentre a linterrieur des dossiers et il n'y a rien

      hors quand je regarde directement dans le dossier sans passer par honorbuddy il y a tout les fichers avec les noms des donjons en (.Cs)

      Et si je vais dans default profile dungeonbuddy il y a bien les nom en fichier (.xml)
      Mais ils me disent

      XML Error: Unknown tag "DungeonId" (Input: "<DungeonId>304</DungeonId>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 4
      XML Error: Unknown tag "BossEncounters" (Input: "<BossEncounters>
      <!-- bust out nets and fly drakes (x5) / kill shit while on it
      <Vendor Name="Net" Entry="42570" Type="Repair" X="-440.7257" Y="-335.5625" Z="268.7343" />
      <Vendor Name="Battered Red Drake" Entry="39294" Type="Repair" X="-440.7257" Y="-335.5625" Z="268.7343" />
      make sure we're not shapeshifted! -->
      <!-- 1st boss - cc the <Vendor Name="Malignant Trogg" Entry="39984" Type="Repair" X="-682.5227" Y="-431.3113" Z="268.7674" /> -->
      <Boss isFinal="false" entry="39625" name="General Umbriss" killOrder="1" optional="true" X="-704.9254" Y="-444.5625" Z="269.048" />
      <Boss isFinal="false" entry="40177" name="Forgemaster Throngus" killOrder="2" optional="true">
      <Hotspot X="-525.1589" Y="-468.0977" Z="276.5975" />
      <Hotspot X="-554.5166" Y="-592.175" Z="276.5973" />
      <Vendor Name="Drahga Shadowburner" Entry="40319" Type="Repair" X="-425.7691" Y="-687.3577" Z="268.3017" /> // dps him dow and then he runs.
      <Vendor Name="Invoked Flaming Spirit" Entry="40357" Type="Repair" X="-442.3626" Y="-706.9373" Z="268.7675" /> // kill these
      <Vendor Name="Valiona" Entry="40320" Type="Repair" X="-433.9495" Y="-695.4099" Z="268.6504" /> // kill valiona - don't stand in front of devouring flames and don't stand in seeping twilight
      <Vendor Name="Drahga Shadowburner" Entry="40319" Type="Repair" X="-434.1795" Y="-693.1592" Z="268.5984" /> // once valiona flies away, kill him
      <Boss isFinal="false" entry="40319" name="Drahga Shadowburner" killOrder="3" optional="true" X="-425.7691" Y="-687.3577" Z="268.3017" />
      <!-- kill the 2x <Vendor Name="Faceless Corruptor" Entry="48844" Type="Repair" X="-640.595" Y="-825.8333" Z="235.5593" /> that spawn; make sure you stand in the gale -->
      <Boss isFinal="true" entry="40484" name="Erudax" killOrder="4" optional="false" X="-774.9028" Y="-827.0243" Z="233.2096" />
      </BossEncounters>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 5
      XML Error: Unknown tag "PullBlackspots" (Input: "<PullBlackspots>
      <!-- Trash pulls we can skip -->
      <PullBlackspot X="-633.7935" Y="-391.757" Z="269.4797" Radius="12.84796" />
      <PullBlackspot X="-616.4711" Y="-329.9916" Z="268.8668" Radius="10.0455" />
      <PullBlackspot X="-577.3046" Y="-553.6543" Z="276.5973" Radius="11.26754" />
      </PullBlackspots>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 29
      Changing current profile to Grim Batol

      et You have not selected a Dungeon/Scenario/Raid type.

      que dois je faire sil vous plait aidez moi
    2. Touch

      Touch Moderator Moderator

      Sep 19, 2011
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      Il est inutile de sélectionner un profil pour les donjons ! Il suffit de cliquer sur "Bot Config" et de vérifier que ce qui est sélectionné correspond à la recherche de donjon dans le jeu (Donjons spécifiques ou aléatoire)

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