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  • ExilebuddyBeta #911/#912 Feedback and Discussion

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pushedx, Sep 16, 2014.

    1. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Download - Please download a clean copy of Beta for each version. Do not "update", because the changes will break other versions. Before reporting issues, please make sure you are using a clean copy.

      Please attach a full log if you have any problems. I've made sure as much debugging information is logged as possible to track down various issues that might happen. I need the full log though, and not partial snippets. If you do not feel comfortable posting a full log, you can PM me it instead with a link to your thread.

      1. Please place the "Move only" skill on your skillbar, but not in Left Mouse Button (unless you have a second copy elsewhere in your skillbar).
      2. Make sure "Always Highlight" is enabled (PoE Options-> Ui or press Z)
      3. Make sure "Key Pickup" is enabled (PoE Options-> Ui)
      4. For a rough guide to Beta, please see the ExilebuddyBeta User's Guide. It's not fully updated yet for post 1.2, but the core stuff is still mostly the same.
      5. A new guide for understanding and dealing with ExampleRoutine will be added 'soon", but the priority still is identifying core issues and fixing them so a Release can be made asap.
      6. Please do not minimize the game while the bot is running, or as you attach the bot. Exilebuddy requires the game rendering to properly work.

      Beta #912

      This is a quick update to address some API issues that were discovered with charges (power, frenzy, end).

      • ExampleRoutine should now move into range for proximity shield mobs.
      • Skill.CanUse now takes a checkCharges param to disable charge based cooldown bypasses.
      • ColdSnap added to ExampleRoutine. It is only used on cooldown, and won't use power charges.
      • Charges api updated to handle them correctly. Actor.PowerCharges, Actor.FrenzyCharges, and Actor.EnduranceCharges added that return the number of charges active.

      Beta #911

      This version adds in almost all of the remaining core functionality back into the bot. The ExplorationCompleteTask allows users to once again choose how the bot handles exploration being finished. Like before, you can make the bot take an area transition out, a waypoint, portal, logout, or just stop. The bot will no longer try to leave boss areas, so Area Transition should not be selected if you're grinding bosses. When in a corrupted area, the bot will try to take an area transition out to resume grinding the previous area. The setting to force a new run is in the settings GUI for BasicGrindBot. By default, the bot will not go to corrupted areas. Certain corrupted areas have bosses that spawn underground (Mother of the Hive, for example). The CR needs to trigger combat, as that is not the job of exploration in the bot. Similarly to a boss fight plugin, certain corrupted bosses need additional logic which is left to the user via CR changes or a plugin.

      A fix for the Catacombs area transition has been worked back in, so the bot should not have any trouble taking those area transitions. There still might be issues with certain stairs in Upper Sceptre of God, but there's no easy fix for those.

      ExampleBot now has some example task logic added for users interested in making their own tasks for BasicGrindBot or making their own bot implementations. The design is similar to BasicGrindBot. A task system is used to check for things to do each Tick, and then task logic is executed until a task returns true. Examples are shown of the basics for out of town stuff, and then some in town stuff, but nothing for tying both together, such as traveling to grind zone or returning to town to do town runs, etc.. For those, users just need to reference the API functions and coroutines provided to get the things done they want. A more detailed guide going over the workings of BasicGrindBot and ExampleRoutine will be coming soon, along with other guide updates for 1.2+ stuff.

      A stable Release version is on the horizon, but more information about that as well as compensation for the downtime after the 1.2 update will be made in the near future. There's no additional information on the other known issues that have not been fixed yet, as some of them might just have to be left as-is.

      • Updates for
      • ExilePather.WalkablePositionFor now has special logic for determining the correct position to walk to for "The Catacombs" area transition.
      • SellItemsCoroutine now randomly chooses a NPC to vendor from.
      • The bot should now make its way though The Sceptre of God. TagWaypointTask has been updated to handle the mechanics of this area.
      • ExampleBot project updated with task examples to give an idea of developing tasks for a custom bot, and making your own bot around tasks.
      • Corrupted area logic updated.
      • LootItemsTask now toggles always highlight to reset labels past the first try.
      • CorruptedAreaParentId assignment logic moved back into TakeCorruptedAreaTask.
      • Added TakeCorruptedAreaTask and ExplorationCompleteTask.
      • Added SortInventoryTask to move items to the top left corner of the inventory.
      • TravelToGrindZoneTask should now correctly make new instances based on AreaStateCache.HasNewInstanceOverride.

      Known Issues
      • Random stuck issue from corrupted area transitions in boss areas.
      • Lack of support for skills granted though items.
      • Exceptions thrown from the CR due to memory going bad.
      • Various chest opening issues in Docks.
      • Movement issues in City of Sarn.
      • Slow movement/skill casting on low CPU/FPS (users need to increase resources in VMs, don't limit FPS too much on PCs)
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
    2. alter5

      alter5 Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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    3. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      It seems to be working, but there's still a backend issue to fix. You should be able to download #911 and use it fine (I'm running it myself right now).
    4. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      working smooth.
    5. mootooza

      mootooza New Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      The EB don't wait Piety finish talk, it run to Piety's room then use portal scroll to town.
    6. IeU

      IeU Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      As it should, there is no boss logic in EB.

      You either add yourself or use one of the released plugins.
    7. seankim

      seankim Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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      it's gooood work!
      thank you, pushedx!!
    8. expedia

      expedia Member

      Feb 21, 2010
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      Is there any possible to fix for skipping some loots dropped by minibosses in dominus fight?

      Bot engages dominus before picking up loots and never picks them up after
    9. bcain1787

      bcain1787 Member

      Aug 13, 2013
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      nvm im blind.
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
    10. cyberbot

      cyberbot Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      What is the correct choice for the ExplorationCompleteBehavior if I want to farm corrupted areas or dominus??

      If I choose "Autoselect", bots leaves the area before meeting the boss. If I choose "Stop" for Behavior 1 and "Portal" for Behavior 2, the bot seems to only kill the boss and leave without looting.
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
    11. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      I'd have to check your log why loot wasn't picked up. Looting takes place before the bot leaves the area, so if it didn't loot, it means it was unable to, or your loot filter wasn't setup to pickup those items. There's a delay after killing dom where the bot should run around and wait for Lady Dialla. Before the last phase, the bot also runs around waiting for Dom to spawn, so it's def not a logic issue.

      Are you sure you enabled the DominusFight plugin? It blocks ExplorationComplete from ever executing.
    12. expedia

      expedia Member

      Feb 21, 2010
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      I'm sure that it's not caused by item filter setting because it only happens for minibosses from dominus fight.

      It happens when dominus 1st phase spawns before picking up all the loots.

      If dom spawns before picking them up, bot never goes back to those items to pick them up even after killing dominus.
    13. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      just tested, and it's picking up my loots.
    14. maths

      maths New Member

      Jan 11, 2014
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      when i run dominus with the plugin, if i found a corrupted it clear it but dont leave it till max instance time is reached, is it normal yet? can we adjust this ?
    15. AutoconTroll

      AutoconTroll New Member

      Jun 1, 2013
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      Pushedx, are we going to have something to farm Maps? (I mean not the item)
    16. chadsisson

      chadsisson New Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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      update seemed to make it run very smoothly
      the last patch while moving to points would stop, check if there, then go again, now it's VERY smooth and continues walking like a normal player!
      Great job man.
    17. TurboNerd

      TurboNerd New Member

      Sep 15, 2013
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      given that'd take a lot of in-depth work to handle i'm sure it'll be out eventually but even though the general consensus is that pushed is infact a sentient computer program, even he can only work so fast.

      ask yourself this, what thought do you have to put in when running a map? "what level map do i want to run?" "what modifies do i want to avoid or look for" "how many portals are left if i leave?" this is all logic he has to program in from scratch, which takes time... the fact he's even managed to get the grind bot running in every zone so quickly is amazing.

      in that same vein of "how's progress on x" coming, any idea how close we are to vaal aura gem support as a "buff" rather than an aura or is the groundwork for it in and just needs to be set in the CR?
    18. AutoconTroll

      AutoconTroll New Member

      Jun 1, 2013
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      I know it takes time to do it, but I just asked, im not in a rush for wanting
    19. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      That navigation issue has not been fixed yet. The logic to travel though a boss area has to be changed for Upper to avoid the issue. I've just not been able to focus on that yet.

      Some basic example logic will be included outside of BasicGrindBot to show how it's done. BasicGrindBot itself won't do maps, because trying to run maps requires a different set of tasks and logic than running normal overworld areas. Also, anything I do in BasicGrindBot, has to stay part of the bot, so it just means users have to recode everything themselves if they want to make it better or do things differently, so it'll just be provided as a new example.

      Actually, I can't take credit for that. Over the past few client patches, GGG has fixed a number of things to improve client performance. The last patch made a pretty noticeable change to projectiles, and I too noticed the bot seemed to stutter less when running in Ollydbg under cases of lower FPS and slower CPU processing. There's maybe one more thing to fix with movement for lower fps issues that is on the todo list, but most things related to bot performance and the client are actually from the client.

      I didn't account for that in the ExampleRoutine, but it's an easy fix that will be in the next version. Basically:
      if (tags.Contains("aura") && _auraSlot == -1)
      if (skill.SkillTags.Contains("aura"))
      will now be:
      if (tags.Contains("aura") && !tags.Contains("vaal") && _auraSlot == -1)
      if (skill.SkillTags.Contains("aura") && !skill.SkillTags.Contains("vaal"))
      I could add default logic to simply cast vaal auras as they are usable, but there's no way to allow the condition under which they are cast to be configured other than CR code changes by the user.
    20. pt510

      pt510 New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      911 = slow stash/npc, always miss stash after selling at clarissa
      912 = even slower stash/npc, still miss stash after selling clarissa

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