Hello. I am new to use HonorBuddy and have big issue. My bot doesn't use fly mounts in any of used profiles. I don't know if I need to install any additional plugins or if it's kind a problem in profiles themself. I tryed to use different bots (Grind, Quest etc.), different profiles and different options. I'll attach last used profile, which is needed for me now very much, if this will help in any way. And I apologize if it's now the type of thread to post on this forum - but I looked for information in many sources and couldn't find anything usefull. And also thank in advance. View attachment Dreadfang Spiders.xml
Hi, Vakulav, Welcome aboard, and thanks for showing us that profile! Honorbuddy does not fly natively—it requires the assistance of profiles to tell it when to fly. The profile you've attached does not contain the necessary commands. You should find another profile that advertises it flies to do its job. You should know that any profile written fr the the "Grind bot" can not support flying. You will need to find 'grind' profiles written using the Questing bot. cheers, chinajade
So, I think, the best way is to learn some basics of making profiles myself to make 'questing' profile with flying for my needs. Thank you very much, I was scared there was sonething broken. Now I will know that's just was my misunderstanding of bot's basics.