EDIT2: Profile got stuck Don't have the log since I reinstalled honorbuddy already. But it basically keeps flying between 2 hotspots, and spams " moving to 1649.xx xxxxx" in the log =P I tried deleting that waypoint in the script, but it just gets stuck on the next one. The weird thing is that I was able to use the profile for 8 hours without any issues, and now it bugges & with my basic scripting skill I can't find any issue.
Which one? test profile or normal? My profile isnt full afk, main problem is the cave. I can't repair this hotspots, because honorbuddy can't find any hotspot in the cave, when ends his grind. So i can recommend u, just restart it _( If it's normal profile, chance to get stuck is very low, but in test - huge.
I don't have QuestBot - only 'Questing'. Is it the same one? The profile don't work - only gives me the errormsg: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
Hey kind of off-topic but something didn't make sense to me. You posted: Destro Warlock - 551 ilvl XP/HR: 0 Kills: 786 (383/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 831 (407/hr) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr) ---- But in theory, shouldn't the bot loot AT A MAXIMUM after each and every kill? (Often times less because you kill multiple before a loot) How did your loot p/h end up higher than your kph? I believe that it is per looting, not each item received so this just didn't make sense to me.
ive farmed the shards before, long, long ago and it took me a week to get all 10. Last night i ran this for 2 hours and had 3. Is it just RNG or did they nerf the droprate?
Yes but I took that into account. When I ran a similar profile made by someone else it would pull 500~ KPH. But would only have about 190 Loots per hour. killing 6 mobs, looting once. You may get 10+ items but you aren't looting 10 separate times.
cant start the bot, dont have a Quest-Bot to select ... just got grindbot, raid, party, mixed, bg, combat bot
Please use the official version of HonorBuddy. Just very good place for farm. Germans cant use Questbot.
Once it has full bags and flies to send mail and repair, It flies between the bridge and corner of kunlai repeatebly (Above Halls)
I've installed a fresh copy of honorbuddy, waiting for bags to fill and see if it does it again, If so ill post the full log
Seems to be fine now with a fresh install. Make sure that you are in Vale of Eternal Blossoms before you start. Don't start it in Gou-Lai Halls ( in cave ). I use Arelog so if i disconnect and log back in halls and start profile what happens?
First, I fixed the two profiles you posted to work with level 100 toons so they would work, and when I started them, my toon flew to the top of the mountain above the Guo Lai Ruins, jumped in the lake up there and swam to the bottom...every single time. Here's a log: View attachment 2160 2015-01-04 15.49.txt