Orderbot with your Profiles (finished Mining, now using 1-50 Botany). I've tried deleting everything in CompiledAssemblies but it didn't make a difference. Still not repairing in any zones I go to. The only thing I haven't did is delete my Settings folder due to being too lazy to reconfigure all my other stuff (Fate Blacklists, Magitek settings, etc.). I've tried redownloading RebornBuddy and your profiles/plugins multiple times (copy/pasting over the existing files) and no change.
That's so odd, considering it works fine for me all the time. I'll start another character and start running the 1-50 Mining profile and see if I can get the same issue you're having. Any logs you have though are always appreciated, it helps to narrow down where the issue is.
I will say this (something I just noticed). I've had my Company Chocobo in my FC stables this entire time. Orderbot has been running me to each node which I thought was normal (I have the "Mount" option unchecked in Global Settings). I just took my Chocobo out of the FC stables and noticed that Orderbot uses it to run to each new location in your profiles (but will sprint from node-to-node). Is it possible that RePear/Orderbot freaks out when it can't mount the Chocobo? I just put the timer back down to 10 minutes to test before I go to sleep. I'll let you know what happens.
Now it's just back to being silly. It'll be whacking at a tree, close the gathering menu, say "Event Canceled", say "Can't do that while not gathering" or whatever, open up the ESC menu, and then continue gathering. The log says "[RePear] Repaired!" when it didn't go anywhere. (bold shows interaction with the same node in a short time period, IE the bot never moved) I'll just set it to 30 minutes and go to sleep. If it eventually repairs through the night then that means the Chocobo was the cause of the errors, and all that needs to be fixed is RePear's priority (ability to shutdown Orderbot, execute its repair, and resume properly).
This may have horrible consequences and break RePear, I'm not sure, but try changing the code within RePear from the following: Code: new Decorator(ret => Poi.Current.Type == PoiType.Hotspot && repaired && Vector3.Distance(Core.Player.Location, Poi.Current.Location) < 5 && BotManager.Current.Name != "Fate Bot" && BotManager.Current.Name != "Order Bot", new Action(r => { CommonBehaviors.MoveStop(); Poi.Clear("[RePear] Returned back to where we were!"); timetorepair = false; repaired = false; } ) ) to this: Code: new Decorator(ret => Poi.Current.Type == PoiType.Hotspot && repaired && Vector3.Distance(Core.Player.Location, Poi.Current.Location) < 5 && BotManager.Current.Name != "Fate Bot" && BotManager.Current.Name != "Order Bot", new Action(r => { CommonBehaviors.MoveStop(); Poi.Clear("[RePear] Returned back to where we were!"); timetorepair = false; repaired = false; } ) ), new ActionAlwaysSucceed() I think it might have to do with Order Bot overriding my POI, I think it might just set the POI location without clearing it first, which would overwrite the POI location RePear uses. Hopefully that code will stop it from doing that. I haven't tested the above code because I'm not at my computer, but that would be the first thing I try when I get home.
It happens to me while using FateBot both with and Without the Atma plugin, as well as with Orderbot. I also put on ExCombat, enabled repearbot on a 10 minute and waited, and no dice. Don't have any log snippets as I'm at work ATM sorry; But for me it seem sto be happening regardless of what I'm using with it. The really weird thing is that it did work fine for a couple of days, was absolutely amazing, and then just...Stopped. No changes on my end from when it was working, nothing extra added or subtracted.
Sorry for the delay. I tested your code and it actually does resolve the issue with Order Bot fighting with the plugin and never leaving the gathering node. However, the bot/plugin still fails to repair. It made it to the NPC every time no problem with your change, and opened up the NPC dialogue box, but never selected "Repair Gear". In-game error messages started popping up saying "Only available while gathering" while the NPC dialogue box was open (and I can see Order Bot trying to use my Gathering skills from my hotbar), so I assume Order Bot tried to resume control before the plugin had finished its routine. (notice the long gap between interaction and repaired, that's when the plugin and Order Bot are fighting) View attachment 9468 2014-09-10 18.51.txt
Wait a second... I just looked through the code for the plugin, and you're using keybinds to perform the repair? Code: PostMessage(edit, WM_KEYDOWN, (IntPtr)(Keys.NumPad0), IntPtr.Zero); PostMessage(edit, WM_KEYUP, (IntPtr)(Keys.NumPad0), IntPtr.Zero); Thread.Sleep(1000); PostMessage(edit, WM_KEYDOWN, (IntPtr)(Keys.NumPad8), IntPtr.Zero); PostMessage(edit, WM_KEYUP, (IntPtr)(Keys.NumPad8), IntPtr.Zero); Thread.Sleep(1000); I've rebound all my NumPad keys, they're hotkeys, they no longer perform menu navigation functions. Remember when I said: It wasn't Order Bot, it was the Plugin itself (my hotbar has skills bound to NumPad keys). Can't this be performed through mouse clicks rather than hotkeys? I've been digging through RebornBuddy's code and see it has functions such as these: Code: M:ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectIconString.ClickLineContains(System.String) Clicks the line that contains the supplied text. param name="text" M:ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectIconString.ClickLineEquals(System.String) Clicks the line that equals the supplied text. param name="text" M:ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.ClickLineContains(System.String) Clicks the line that contains the supplied text. param name="text" M:ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.ClickLineEquals(System.String) Clicks the line that equals the supplied text. param name="text"
I don't think any of the 3rd Party Developers have messed with the RemoteWindows.Select stuff yet. using the Post Message stuff is how we always had to do it before
Ahahaha, I thought I put that in the main post that it uses those keys. Guess I'll have to add it. Unfortunately those commands you linked aren't fully fledged, they can navigate the initial menu but not the repair window, so right now it's still reliant on the hotkeys to work.
Well damn, I thought I was onto something lol. Be sure to include what action each key should be assigned to (so I know what to reassign in-game). Thanks for working with me, I'll try to find something else to break now.
I've not got any hotkeys set, but mine still does the same thing. I'll have to try to get some logs today.
Here's a quick snip of my log. It mounts up, saying moving to vendor, and then the log fills up with this.