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  • [MINING] Ultimate Profiles Thread - Leveling, Farming, Grinding

    Discussion in 'Mining-Botany Profiles' started by kagamihiiragi17, Aug 15, 2014.

    1. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      You're right, I think that fixed it. Was that a recent change to Order Bot? I'm assuming the original creator of the profile tested/used it before?

      Oh well, I'll fix it up and post a revised edition (once I'm sure it works). Thanks for the help WDIG! :)

      EDIT: Just in case anyone is curious/wants to try it before I'm done testing, this is basically all I've done to it:

      	<!-- Gather Lightning Crystals -->
      			<If Condition="ItemCount(12) &lt; 5000">
      				<If Condition="not IsOnMap(146)">
      					<TeleportTo Name="Little Ala Mhigo" AetheryteId="19" />
      				<Gather while ="ItemCount(12) &lt; 5000">
      					<GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject>
      						<HotSpot Radius="95" XYZ="-122.5412, 21.88736, -489.5768" />
      						<ItemName>Lightning Crystal</ItemName>
      						<ItemName>Lightning Shard</ItemName>
      						<GatheringSkill SpellName="Byregot's Ward" TimesToCast="1" />
      	<!-- Gather Lightning Shards -->
      			<If Condition="ItemCount(6) &lt; 7500">
      				<If Condition="not IsOnMap(146)">
      					<TeleportTo Name="Little Ala Mhigo" AetheryteId="19" />
      				<Gather while ="ItemCount(6) &lt; 7500">
      					<GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject>
      						<HotSpot Radius="95" XYZ="-122.5412, 21.88736, -489.5768" />
      						<ItemName>Lightning Shard</ItemName>
      						<GatheringSkill SpellName="Byregot's Ward" TimesToCast="1" />
      Crystals need to come before Shards (and Shards needs to be in the Crystal code) due to the fact that we need less Crystals and not all nodes have Crystals (some only have Shards). This should prevent the error "Couldnt Find desired item...picking first one..." as Shards should always be available at these hotspots.

      I'm also testing out an improved teleport code since we don't want to bot teleporting back to the Aetheryte just because we're switching from Crystals to Shards @ the same Hotspot.

      The only danger I foresee is somehow still mining the max Shards (9999) before you get to the desired Crystal amount (5000). At that point the bot would likely freeze at the node (that only had a Shard available) because it's looking for Crystals and none are available and yet it can't hold anymore Shards. The only solution that I know of would be lowering the amount of desired Crystals so that doesn't happen. That or add a "junk" filler (another item the node happens to have available) for the bot to mine when Shards = 9999 and Crystals < 5000 (although I don't know if that sort of logic is even available for Order Bot).
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
    2. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Really thank you alot.
    3. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      No problem. Just trying to help where I can. :)

      To WDIG or anyone else: Can you put conditions on specific node items? For instance, I'd like the profile to cast "Byregot's Ward" ONLY if there's a "Lightning Crystal" available to mine (not for Lightning Shards). Basically like this:

      <Gather while ="ItemCount(12) &lt; 5000">
      					<GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject>
      						<HotSpot Radius="95" XYZ="-122.5412, 21.88736, -489.5768" />
      						<ItemName>Lightning Crystal</ItemName>
      						<ItemName>Lightning Shard</ItemName>
      					[SIZE=4][B]<If Condition="Lightning Crystal Is Available">[/B][/SIZE]
      							<GatheringSkill SpellName="Byregot's Ward" TimesToCast="1" />
      Obviously that's not a valid condition, but is that possible (with the proper code)?

      This would all be a hell of a lot easier if all the elements for Order Bot were published. I'm going to have to break down and open this up in VSE aren't I? *sigh* lol
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
    4. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Unfortunately the bot does not support conditions on specific node items, no. You can't put an if statement within the gather tag afaik.
    5. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      It wasn't a requirement, just would make it more efficient. As it stands you need to have less Shards than you do Crystals when running the profile, otherwise you're in danger of maxing out and freezing @ a node I believe (still testing). Might just need to put a disclaimer on it and leave it at that. Thanks for the info. :)
    6. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Alright, so one last question and I think I have the profile fixed. Does Gather Bot keep checking to see if If Conditions change, or does it simply process from top-to-bottom once and never check again? For instance:

      		<While Condition="True">
      	<!-- Gather Lightning Crystals (Too Many Shards) -->
      			<If Condition="ItemCount(6) &gt; 9980">
      				<If Condition="not IsOnMap(146)">
      					<TeleportTo Name="Little Ala Mhigo" AetheryteId="19" />
      				<Gather while ="ItemCount(12) &lt; 5000">
      					<GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject>
      						<HotSpot Radius="95" XYZ="-122.5412, 21.88736, -489.5768" />
      						<ItemName>Lightning Crystal</ItemName>
      						<ItemName>Purple Pigment</ItemName>
      						<GatheringSkill SpellName="Byregot's Ward" TimesToCast="1" />
      	<!-- Gather Lightning Crystals (Not Enough Shards) -->
      			<If Condition="ItemCount(12) &lt; 5000">
      				<If Condition="not IsOnMap(146)">
      					<TeleportTo Name="Little Ala Mhigo" AetheryteId="19" />
      				<Gather while ="ItemCount(12) &lt; 5000">
      					<GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject>
      						<HotSpot Radius="95" XYZ="-122.5412, 21.88736, -489.5768" />
      						<ItemName>Lightning Crystal</ItemName>
      						<ItemName>Lightning Shard</ItemName>
      						<GatheringSkill SpellName="Byregot's Ward" TimesToCast="1" />
      	<!-- Gather Lightning Shards (Still Not Enough Shards) -->
      			<If Condition="ItemCount(6) &lt; 7500">
      				<If Condition="not IsOnMap(146)">
      					<TeleportTo Name="Little Ala Mhigo" AetheryteId="19" />
      				<Gather while ="ItemCount(6) &lt; 7500">
      					<GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject>
      						<HotSpot Radius="95" XYZ="-122.5412, 21.88736, -489.5768" />
      						<ItemName>Lightning Shard</ItemName>
      						<GatheringSkill SpellName="Byregot's Ward" TimesToCast="1" />
      I want to know if Order Bot would start executing the first If Condition once the Shard count went over 9000 (insert DBZ joke here lol)?

      Basically I'm attempting to get it to function like:

      IF Shards>= 9980
      THEN Mine Crystals+Pigment IF Crystals<=5000
      ELSE Mine Crystals+Shards IF Crystals<=5000
      ELSE Mine Shards IF Shards<=7500
      Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
    7. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      How can we do to let the bot mine the maps too? :(
    8. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Depends. If it's an item you can hold multiple of and is just a Rare item (like Soil) you just add it to the list above the item you're farming. Like so:

      <ItemName>Cool Map Thing</ItemName>
      <ItemName>Lightning Crystal</ItemName>
      <ItemName>Lightning Shard</ItemName>

      I think the problem is that you can only carry 1 of the rare maps. So if you already have one OrderBot will freak out and stand there trying to mine it forever. Currently I don't think there's a way around that.

      That's something to suggest to mastahg as it would even resolve my Crystal farming issue (even with the profile I'm currently testing, I sometimes get too many Shards and the bot just stands there trying to farm more anyway which results in it getting stuck). If Order Bot would recognize the error messages and be smart enough to move onto another item on the list it would be awesome.
    9. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Mastahg please add what Endus says :D
    10. bbcd

      bbcd New Member

      Sep 20, 2014
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      If you change those if statements to while statements it'll work. It'll only cycle through the outer while statement if the inner one breaks, but you need to make sure that the outer while statement WILL break if the inner is no longer satisfied, otherwise the bot will hang just evaluating the outer loop until manually stopped. I'm not sure how to handle logic in this syntax since I haven't messed with it, but if you can toss an AND statement in the outer while loop that includes both the inner and outer conditions to require both to be true to enter each section, then it should take care of it.
    11. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Hrm... I'll have to test it. As far as I know Order Bot doesn't support nesting or AND or OR logic. I'll see what I can figure out.
    12. ngardina

      ngardina Member

      Sep 14, 2014
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      View attachment Unspoiled v1_4.xml

      This is a modified(even further than in the other thread) version of Grimmjow's unspoiled.xml. The only part I'm having problems with in it now is for Darksteel.

      The purpose of this file is for Darksteel Ore, Umbral Rock, Gold Ore, and interchangeable clusters at your discretion. It will repeat, and does teleport successfully at each time frame now. There's probably some unnecessary extra coding in there, but this is the result so far that worked. if anyone can get the darksteel ore to successfully gather let me know. Grimmjow's original only had one node location, and it wouldn't farm the other two potential locations even if I set them there myself manually, or up'd the radius.

      Note: It should gather the darksteel at the original location, and even if it doesn't, the bot will do one loop, then wait for the next window to teleport to the next area. Ran continuously without error for 5 hours beyond the fact the darksteel nodes aren't accurate/actually harvesting.
    13. cameronss816

      cameronss816 New Member

      Jun 29, 2014
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      ^ trying to add Ferberite and Native gold to this... >_>; Or at least Ferberite.
    14. zeeruae

      zeeruae New Member

      Apr 8, 2014
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      Hey, i tryed it and it was fine profile mining lvling 1-50 and it levelup from 1 to 31 without problem and then it get stuck at one mining and do nothing and i got this massage

      [17:11:14.422 D] Generated path to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992> in 00:00:00.2922186 ms
      [17:11:14.466 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3.146442
      [17:11:14.521 D] Requesting path on 146 from <190.5728, 3.66525, 986.8839> to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992>
      [17:11:14.897 D] Generated path to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992> in 00:00:00.3764367 ms
      [17:11:14.951 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3.146442
      [17:11:15.006 D] Requesting path on 146 from <190.5728, 3.66525, 986.8839> to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992>
      [17:11:15.334 D] Generated path to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992> in 00:00:00.3282329 ms
      [17:11:15.342 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3.146442
      [17:11:15.397 D] Requesting path on 146 from <190.5728, 3.66525, 986.8839> to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992>
      [17:11:15.631 D] Generated path to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992> in 00:00:00.2327702 ms
      [17:11:15.680 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3.146442
      [17:11:15.736 D] Requesting path on 146 from <190.5728, 3.66525, 986.8839> to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992>
    15. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Report that to mastahg in the navigation issues thread.
    16. m0rf0

      m0rf0 Member

      Sep 14, 2010
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      I think there is some kind of problem with elevated nodes. I'm stuck in Sagoli Desert, on one of the lvl.35 nodes. The error message is:

      [18:43:05.154 D] Requesting path on 146 from <254.7047, 4.462835, 940.1155> to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992>
      [18:43:05.475 D] Generated path to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992> in 00:00:00.3202535 ms
      [18:43:09.293 D] Moving to next hop: <215.3253, 6.327113, 938.2993> (Moving to gather) D: 8.07976
      [18:43:10.109 D] Moving to next hop: <214.4432, 6.327113, 938.1782> (Moving to gather) D: 1.83994
      [18:43:10.212 D] Moving to next hop: <209.8445, 6.327113, 936.9326> (Moving to gather) D: 5.429169
      [18:43:10.722 D] Moving to next hop: <209.0686, 6.327113, 937.1216> (Moving to gather) D: 1.569441
      [18:43:10.812 D] Moving to next hop: <195.6334, 3.627113, 943.5832> (Moving to gather) D: 15.7568
      [18:43:12.468 D] Moving to next hop: <194.4238, 3.327113, 944.7913> (Moving to gather) D: 2.338456
      [18:43:12.664 D] Moving to next hop: <192.9216, 3.327113, 946.5955> (Moving to gather) D: 2.927278
      [18:43:12.901 D] Moving to next hop: <192.1695, 3.327113, 948.4604> (Moving to gather) D: 2.756102
      [18:43:13.138 D] Moving to next hop: <190.5354, 4.285481, 987.5333> (Moving to gather) D: 39.81865
      [18:43:17.464 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3.209721
      [18:43:17.471 D] Requesting path on 146 from <190.5681, 3.664153, 986.8799> to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992>
      [18:43:17.807 D] Generated path to <189.8025, 6.117051, 988.6992> in 00:00:00.3360273 ms
      [18:43:17.822 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3.148418
      [18:43:17.846 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at ff14bot.Navigation.GaiaNavigator.(String )
      at ff14bot.Navigation.GaiaNavigator.MoveTo(Vector3 target, String destination)
      at ff14bot.Navigation.Navigator.MoveTo(Vector3 location, String destination)
      at ff14bot.Behavior.CommonBehaviors..(Object )
      at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Action.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at ff14bot.Behavior.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Action.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at ff14bot.TreeRoot.()
      [18:43:21.222 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:pushed the stop button.

      (log attached, just in case)

      View attachment 384 2014-09-30 19.39.txt
    17. mrnixxin

      mrnixxin New Member

      Sep 6, 2014
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      The same thing is happening to me
    18. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Report that to Mastahg, probably in the navigation issues thread.
    19. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      When using shard profiles, on water shard/crystal it stucks (but not always). Try to run it for 10-15 minutes :D
    20. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Trophy Points:
      [ D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000
      [ D] Moving to next hop: <98.33602, 20.78684, 63.44305> (Moving to gather) D: 2,848393
      [ D] Moving to next hop: <98.03603, 20.78684, 63.74305> (Moving to gather) D: 1,03708
      [ D] Moving to next hop: <90.83606, 22.58684, 67.34308> (Moving to gather) D: 8,75201
      [ N] Sprinting
      [ D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000
      [ N] Sprinting
      [ D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000
      [ N] Sprinting
      [ D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000
      [ N] Sprinting
      [ D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 2, 2014

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