I was casually playing some WoW when I heard some whispers downwind and apparently there is a new bot being developed by a guy called 'Mountaneer Dunstan' Here is the chat I overheard: Im not sure if it will be good enough rival the Buddy bot empire, what are your thoughts?
yeah, i'm a beta tester. i could upload a preview of it if you want? I'll do it once i'm back from school then!
YouTube - Level 80 Death Knight Pre-Made testing, part 2 you see, it even shows a fake mouse, so if blizzard uses some sort of secret remote view, they think you are really there! The movements are soooo real!
I was able to download it just fine. You can download it at www.Worldofwarcraft.com/En-us/WoWBot/Download.html The link only works for people who donate 100$ to blizzard.