Hey guys ive been searching around for a plugin that accept LFR queues / Ressurection stuff etc I just cant figure out to find one that works? Is there an actual plugin that works or is all out of date? Thx
depends on your play style really. are you using the bot just to do your rotation while you play your toon through the raid mechanics? or are you just wanting to turn on the bot and come back a couple hours later to a couple pieces of gear and valor and jp? if its the last choice, then hell yes, use dungeonbuddy. dungeonbuddy is a little vague and if you havent ever used it, not set up for use automatically. short setup for dungeons or raids click dungeonbuddy click botbase settings change follow distance to something smaller than 20 so your toon doesnt get lost. i like 12 for melee, 14 for healers, and 15-17 for ranged. click the dungeon tab, click the menu and choose-random dungeon a drop down menu will appear if you pick specific dungeon click the raid tab, study the choices. i like -queue for raids not yet completed. a drop down menu will appear, check the raids you would like completed. you can check off dungeons you cannot queue for and if you qualify later, it will choose them then. once you pick dungeon and or raid tabs, then click start on the main hb window. your toon will repair, empty bags, if necessary, then queue for your choices. it will queue for whatever spec you choose in the main hb settings window. it will accept dungeon invites, queue auto, revive if youre a healer, run back, accept rez, all that good stuff, auto.