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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by BaliOne, Oct 3, 2014.

    1. BaliOne

      BaliOne Member

      Jun 8, 2012
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      Hi buddys!
      i still agree with this Thread

      but i want to say Thank you Hearthbuddy company and obtkamer!!!

      i just got my last gold portrait and all lvl 60 deck!!! that right i have 9 gold portrait and 9 class at lvl 60. i did it with +-70% win rate with only one legendary on decks! expt my hunter deck who got 90% win rate!

      Now i'll just farm my 30 win a day on casual mode and start to try to get legendary in ranked by myself!!

      cheers buddy and see you in game.

      just a note: Hearthbuddy should have one more variable on concede after win option, random concede timer between 3 and 10 sec after the game start because for many time the bot conceded at same time of enemy player( other bot) , so both get a lose( even if the hearthbuddy registe that as a win, dunno why)
    2. CptBomba

      CptBomba New Member

      Oct 4, 2014
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      Im trying to get some more info, but I was unable to find more answers (or rather I was to lazy to look for them properly ;p ). So maybe as a happy customer you could give me some answers (as my knowledge about boting is nearly nonexistant). So here they go:
      1. How long it took you to get all 9 classes to gold portraits?
      2. How exactly this bot works? Is it easy to use, set it to work?
      3. What exactly means "sesion" in buying options? (1 Session - 1 Month; 3 Session - Lifetime; 1 Session - Lifetime)
      4. What's the risk of geting ban from blizzard? As Im not even sure if I ever heard about bans in hs.
      I think that this would cover all my concerns. So if you (or anyone with proper knowledge could give me answers I would be really happy :)
    3. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      1 prob about a month or two if you tell it to concede after win to keep your win rate high and stay below rank 20

      2 launch hearthstone launch bot choose options press start.

      3 session mean how many bots you can run off the same key. So 1 month 3 seasons would mean you can run 3 hearth buddy's for one month where 3- lifetime would mean you can run 3 hearth buddy's at the same time for the life of the bot. * requires 3 hearthstone accounts

      4 only bans so far are from steamers or other players reporting you enough times that blizzard will investigate
      There was a ban wave only in Asia but if I under stand correctly because it's all In Chinese to me around 700+ People have been TEMPORARY banned and blizzard is not going to del there cards to start over

      Like it's only a slap on the wrist but I cannot confirm this ATM
      Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    4. CptBomba

      CptBomba New Member

      Oct 4, 2014
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      Thanks a lot for answer :) Seems like it's worth to give it a try ;p
    5. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Your welcome and I think others have said it takes 3-4 days per class

      So if that is true and I think it is 36 days so just over a month
    6. BaliOne

      BaliOne Member

      Jun 8, 2012
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      a bit more but close, i did 100/120 wins a day , +- 5 days for each class

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