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  • [Warlock] Kanrethad Ebonlocke (Green Fire) ~ PureRotation Style

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Millz, Mar 18, 2013.

    1. Ebano

      Ebano New Member

      Nov 23, 2011
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      Enslave him and move him with the pet buttons
    2. Sofakinglols

      Sofakinglols New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      Can someone post a video of them using this so I know what I'm doing wrong?
    3. Spider

      Spider New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      First try and solve. Very good job. Thx

      Greetings Spider
    4. Moboken

      Moboken New Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      I did it just know.

      This is how I did it, followed my own path per say, Used Purerotation to do my casting with Lazyraider set to 30fps.

      Left side is when standing in front of Kanrethad’s gateway.

      Picture is the setup I did, Dominic Gateway from left to right. Put my Demonic Circle on the far right.
      I did all the prep work that Millz stated in his (Before each attempt;) section in https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...-ebonlocke-green-fire-purerotation-style.html
      First I used a [Potion of the Jade Serpent] 2-3 seconds before boss stops talking and then started to attack boss. Continued attacking boss while he summoned the Pit Lord. After he summoned Pit Lord (I clicked on Pit Lord) to get purerotation to enslave him.
      Once enslaved I attacked Boss. As he summoned the Imps I moved between the boss and his gateway and let purerotation do the breath and RoF on the imps.
      As the Imps died the boss cast Chaos Bolt on me. When the boss moved to the center of the circle to cast [Cataclysm] . I moved with him and stayed in front of him while he did all his casting because Pit Lord casts fel flame on him.
      When he moved to summon the felhunters, I took my demonic gateway and went to my Demonic circle because the second the felhunters appear, they will (devour enslave demon). So - Being far away, I got to use my macro to enslave Pit Lord while felhunters were running toward me. After re-enslaving him this caused the Pit Lord to continue to attack boss while I kill the felhunters at a distance.
      After killing the felhunters (3 of them right away). I ran right for the boss and got right in front of him. While the boss was summoning the Doom Lord I did a refresh of the enslave demon. After the Doom Lord was summoned, I moved between Doom Lord and the boss with the Pit Lord facing the gateway behind boss. The Doom Lord and I stayed right there as the Pit Lord cast of Fel Flame on the boss which killed the Doom Lord. After Doom Lords death, the Pit Lord and I killed boss with no other summons of felhunters, imps or anything.

      Received [The Codex of Xerrath]

      I used my demonic gateway one time to go from left to right and run close enough to use [Demonic Circle: Teleport] so I could get felhunters far away.
      Never used my Purification Potion and did not move the Pit Lord at all.

      Picture of my setup attached which shows my demonic circle near the clock on the screen. you can make it out.

      View attachment 145905

      Ilvl 554 destruction
      Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
    5. GOAB

      GOAB New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      the purerotation keeps failing me on the first pack of felhunters >.< and sometimes it DC's me whenever i try to move the pit lord.
    6. Rockcrawler

      Rockcrawler New Member

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Moboken has posted a key point:

      "When he moved to summon the felhunters, I took my demonic gateway and went to my Demonic circle because the second the felhunters appear, they will (devour enslave demon). So - Being far away, I got to use my macro to enslave Pit Lord while felhunters were running toward me. After re-enslaving him this caused the Pit Lord to continue to attack boss while I kill the felhunters at a distance."

      I read through this entire thread after a few failed attempts.

      I believe Millz states you have about 2 seconds to move the pitlord before the fel hunters appear and that your mouse should show a green area where to move the pit lord. I never saw this appear on my monitor. I also had the log open on a second monitor and was watching the log being generated. I never saw a move pet or any commands being output to the log.

      A couple of times I did get the pit lord to move; however, his big fat ass is too slow and the fel hunters came out as the pit lord crossed in front of them.

      I even stopped HB to manually move the pitlord several seconds before the fel hunters came out. The pitlord moved; however, after clicking to restart HB the pitlord came near the fel hunters and they devoured the enslave.

      I did something similar to Moboken. I got the pitlord somewhat out of the way. Moved myself far away from the portal. The fel hunters had to run after me. The fel hunters devoured the enslave, I re-enslaved (macro). Then got back to targeting the fel hunters. The key is to let pure rotation get havoc onto one fel hunter then target another. You'll have 2 fel hunters dead in a few seconds or less, then kill the last.

      My iLevel was around 550 (mostly pvp gear). I killed the boss when he started casting the second imp phase. The damn instance bugged out and I so had to go back in again and whip his butt again (downed him 2 times in a row).

      With an iLevel of 550 you don't need demonic gateways or portals. You can eat chaos bolts for lunch. You just need to keep dps on the boss and stay in the breath of the pit lord to debuff you.

      HB and the combat routines allow us to completely forget how to play our toons in WoW. This is fine with me. If you still remember how to play your lock and you have a high iLevel then do this manually with a few macros for the pitlord.
    7. Extreme_kid

      Extreme_kid New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Got it on my 3rd warlock! 498 ilvl 1st try again , Thank you!
    8. gbasp05

      gbasp05 New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Almost done. I can get it to 10-15% almost everytime. Everything go bad when the second fel hunters comes. Kanretad attacks me instead of the pit lord and i got too much to manage ... Trying to use the gateway to get rid of this problem still working on it... but excellent "profile so far" :D
    9. Rockcrawler

      Rockcrawler New Member

      Aug 4, 2014
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      The problem people are having is moving the pit lord out of the way of the fel hunters in time!

      If you watch the HB log while playing you see no command line to move pet.

      I think in this entire post...Millz states you have about 2 seconds when the fel hounds are being summoned to move the pit lord. I clicked like mad several times following the strategy Millz documented and failed.

      Then I tried my own strategy. Click like mad to move the pitlord...got him moved for a few seconds, moved way back from the portal, and nuked the shit out of the fel hunters (had to switch targets on the fel hunters to make havoc work). Had a macro to re-enslave...this saved me about 2 seconds, time to nuke the last fel hound. I did this at an iLevel of around 550. I used no demonic gateways or portals. I just kept dpsing the boss during the entire fight. With my iLevel I was able to eat his chaos bolts with no problem.
    10. gbasp05

      gbasp05 New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Finally got it after a few 60 tries. So here's how i did it.

      1: Eat food, summon imp, sacrifice imp, dark intent.
      2: Go the the place where you place the Summoning circle (See first page) and place it.
      3: Place the demonic portal from one side of the middle ring to the other.
      4: Start the fight and DPS it until he starts summoning imps. Place in the middle of the imps and boss so you will get dispeled. Burn the imps(You can absorb the first Chaos bolt easily but try to avoir the others by staying near your portal)
      5: When he casts his second cataclysm, the pit lord will stun him.

      IMPORTANT PART : As soon he's not stunned anymore stop the bot, and move the pit lord where your summoning circle is. then use your demonic portal and go to the left side of the giant portal. Cast rain of fire to aggro felhunters
      When and only when the three fel hunters are summoned and are attacking you, start the bot again.

      6: When they're dead restart attacking kanrethad.
      7: When Kanrethad summon the big demon the bot will automatically banish him.

      AT THIS MOMENT: Dismiss the pit lord and re-enslave it or you will miss some time and die.

      7: Rinse and repeat.

      This is the only way i found to move the pit lord safely.

      Excellent profile Thanks a lot.
    11. gimpyyy316

      gimpyyy316 Member

      Jul 5, 2012
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      trying to do Kanrethad

      i download the free ver of Demonic Free - A Warlock Routine [PvE & PvP] in the buddy store
      i dont see Under 'Destruction Spec' on the right side pane, expand, and enable the Kanrethad Ebonlocke setting

      is it in the paid for only?? please help
    12. FaceRollFTW

      FaceRollFTW New Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      It is not in Demonic. It is in Pure Rotation. Go to the first post on the first page of the PureRotation thread and download it from there.
      Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
    13. gimpyyy316

      gimpyyy316 Member

      Jul 5, 2012
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      SVN Link
      GONE For new updates obtain your free copy of PR on the store??
    14. rockz

      rockz New Member

      Jan 25, 2013
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      Ty ty ty =)
    15. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Would you please so Kind and rephrase your question for me?
    16. Weird0

      Weird0 New Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      i think what he is trying to say is

      how do we get this cr now that pr has been moved onto the store, i tried to get it myself but cant quite figure out how to get this cr for kanrethad.

      i have pure rotation but i am kinda too much of a derp to get this one -.-


      nevermind i am really a derp...


      just get purerotation on store and open up "Classconfiguration" from there you should see something mentioning that ebonlocke quest where you can set it to true

      /edit 2

      so far this profile is doing really well i assume, the felhunters are giving me a bit of a headache i quite cant get them done it worked very very well the first time and i got him down to about 30% when the second wave came in that killed me. after that i am really struggeling to get the first felhunters done. i am sending the pitlord away "los'ing" him but i always wipe on the first felhunters. even though i send him away, he always starts running back to fight karenthad getting into range of the felhunters and breaking the enslave i tried even luring the felhunters away but didnt help. as soon as i send him away he instantly walks back towards the boss and i die
      Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
    17. Idletime

      Idletime Member

      Apr 30, 2013
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      I'll admit, I'm awful with my lock but perfect on other classes without the help. But this quoted is exactly what you have to do to get this to work, took me about 5-6 tries to get it right but saved me hours of misery. Good luck for those trying tonight before the bell.
    18. despinoza

      despinoza New Member

      Aug 19, 2013
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      profile not working.
    19. 463459305

      463459305 New Member

      Oct 12, 2014
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      where to download this CR? i dont see the link
    20. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      this was no seperate CR, this was part of PureRotation, PureRotation is no longer maintained, and so this isn't avaiable anymore.

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