Is this because of player reports or? Oddly my other accounts are running quite fine. Dunno if I should take them down immediately or just let them run.. Hmmm? Account Name: WOW1 Account Action: 72 Hour Suspension Reason for Action: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs ("Hacks") This suspension happened because one or more characters on this account were identified using an unauthorized cheat program, also known as a "hack.". These programs provide character benefits normally not achievable in the World of Warcraft. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. Use of these unauthorized programs harm the game environment because they offer an unfair advantage over other players and superscede the intended limits of the game. Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment. We've found the above behaviour is many times directly related to groups responsible for compromising World of Warcraft accounts; we take these issues very seriously. To better understand our position against exploitative activity and the risks involved, please review this article: Impact of Buying Gold - Shop - World of Warcraft The exploitative activity that took place on this account violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask you take a moment to review these terms at Blizzard Entertainment: Blizzard Legal Documentation. Note that additional Terms of Use violations may result in more severe actions against this account, up to and including permanent closure. If you believe your account was compromised, please go to the following website Our support staff will assist you as soon as possible. If you are unable to access your account due to the password being changed, please visit our Login Support site here: For any disputes of this action or further information on Exploitive Activity, please visit the Exploitative Activity FAQ and contact page here: Exploitative Activity in World of Warcraft - Support Regards, Customer Services Blizzard Entertainment Europe
You do realize you just posted a thread on a botting website that shows your WOW ACCOUNT NAME. If any blizz employee did some google search of your account name they could find out that you do indeed use honorbuddy, further solidifying your ban. hahahahaha GL out there
Dopa1, you bot obviously triggered auto-flag and got auto-banned, and depend of what your other accounts are botting, you are either safe or not Its all about their activities, and the botting time table of course. So for answering your question, these are essential to be known. And WOW1 thru WOW8 are indeed the default Wow license names since the accounts existence, sorry I<3botting.
Yeah that's what I thought so too! But auto flag you say.. Is that equal player reports or? All my bots are botting at the same time. First time I have been losing a bot to this while others have survived. Would it be "fine" to start again botting after those 72 hours have passed? Or wait a week or two? Thanks in advance.