If i merge several WoW accounts (i bot on every single one btw) into one battle.net account if one of them gets banned for botting is that gonna flag/increase suspition/ban the other ones connected to the same bnet acc?
As with all questions like this it is mainly speculation & opinion. But in my opinion it only makes sense for them to keep an eye on accounts attached to the same battlenet, However no action can be taken until others are caught committing an offence also.
I was botting on 2 accts at the same time, one got a 72 hr susp, then a perma ban, the other was still botting away. I even got that ban reversed and have leveled another 80, and one to 78 without issue. But I still think it's a good idea to keep them separate. I think 2 wow accts per battle.net is acceptable, as I bet there's quite a few regular players who have 2 accts.
As Boss said, it shouldn't matter much as to risk, since your accounts can be linked together by Blizzard through other means as well so you shouldn't worry.
the risk % doesn't increase, but sometimes if its an investigation, they will ban more than 1... it has happened to me, thats why i stopped doing it
I believe that the risk is not increased.. But if you do get banned, won't Blizz ban multiple accounts, because they are linked through the merging?
It's happened to me a few times. I've had 7 (all different servers HB'ing) that went down all together on the same b.net acct within 1 minute. Like a cascade failure. I've had others that were simply farming together (RAF) wow1 wow2 and they both went down together. But i've also had some that weren't farming and i was power leveling it (wow2) and wow 1 was farming, and only wow1 got banned so it just depends. Sometimes GM's do investigate
i habve multiple bnet.accs accounts with full 8 x wow accs on them some have 2, some have 3 some have 7 working, the rest got banned over time , need any more proof ?