MoltenFront, insane Embersilk & Shuffler Bot Base: Questing Zone: My Hyjal - moltenfront Start profile at "The Widows Clutch" in the Moltenfront Have potion of Treasure finding in your bags Click start (Suggest not afk to much such small place) Tailoring is a Massive + I personally Shuffle the cloth into Dust and keep enough bolts to make Embersilk bags sell for 400g a pop 10-20 bags per hour "Farming of peak playing times". Please comment and Tell me what you guys think Update! here is a shuffle for the cloth you farm! it will Turn all the Cloth in your bag into bolts then into Deathsilk Belts Then Disenchants them into dust I am very Fresh to Profession buddy Profiles so please be kind!, I tried to have it collect mail but it just made it so buggy So there is no mail but since stacks can be in 200 shouldn't be a problem it should auto Post on auction house to or send to an alt. Key points! Alliance Start in Storm Horde Start in org Need at least 2000g for the Bot to buy the threa
Thanks mate, will try this out later, and post back some feedback! Ok nvm need to have done something like 80 quests in Hyjal, ain't nobody got time foh that :d
it really takes like one hour to get it done lol and its worth it come on people so many downloads and no one Post anything! had one guy ask to take it down but that's about it
Using now, take it to the druids of flame, have to unlock forlorn spire in molten front. Working well so far
Hey guys, good to see some of you got it working, Post some Farming results to show people what it i can do ,
This is now a highly farmed area, and its a shared zone between realms it seems. (or people exploiting CRZ?). It was a nice find, its a nice profile, but just too many ppl here now.
After 2H of testing with an Fdruid 542 Ilvl bout 700/800 kills-h had no1 else during this 2H on this spot only few people for like 3 min and leaving again. Gains for 1H... Embersilk cloth: 41 full stacks( bout 19g/stack) After selling all on AH, selling junk and the gold loot from mobs/treasure chest Estamated gold: 800g/H depending on how much Embersilk goes for on your realm. * Not best farming place, but it does the job Thanks for sharing/caring Tho there is 1 Cinderweb Cocoon on a big pilar to the side which gets you stuck.
Tried it, great spot. Just don't like that my ranged class stands in the middle and aggroing everything as I'm level 85 with ilvl 330-ish, but works as OP said and I recommend this profile for embersilk farming actually. It vendors greens and trash, but it does not mail, Riddl3n.
I saw only one problem, and its not the profiles fault, but when the dailies are reset, the mobs stop spawning, thought I'd let you guys know.
Haha why would u sell Embersilk cloth on AH? I craft Deathsilk Belts, DE them, and sell the hypnotic dust & essences on AH for 300g a stack. gg
Its depending what you do with the embersilk, for just selling them the gains aren't so high as i said. Not every1 had enchanting to DE thats why i gave them the info without that. Me myself ofc make baggs or other stuff and DE them.