I considered starting on the advanced gold making guide, is this too late, considered that WoD is just around the cornor? Atm. i got a mage with enc and jc and a friend with inc and alch, so those are covered. I own 3 honorbuddy licences for the gatheres and AH buddy, and got no problem with shuffeling my self. i got two other Cata accounts with level 60 deathknight on, should i buy mop AND WoD for the instant level 90 + instant level 600 herb and mining? I calculated this to be arround 100 euros. So should i wait till mop & wod is cheaper, and level my Deahtknights to 85 with kicks, or should i go for it, with the risk of getting the gatheres banned even before WoD is released? Is it possiple to earn my 100 euros back?? (Dont know if this is posted the right place)
no, its not posted in the right place, this is honorbuddy support. and yes it probably is too late to make a guide on an economy that wont exist next week.
Wouldn't write a guide, but use soulravages post AS guide.. Where should I post to get in touch with the right?