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  • How do Blizzard track you down when botting? How to "safe" bot?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Dopa1, Oct 13, 2014.

    1. Dopa1

      Dopa1 New Member

      Jul 8, 2014
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      Okay maybe a bit misleading topic name but I got a question that needs an answer.

      I got 10 accounts.

      How would the safe and best approach be?

      Let 5 bot go for.. lets say for instance, 12 hours and after 12 hours let the other 5 do a 12 hour schedule ? In this case I would get a gold income every hour.

      But the real question to this is.. Is it "safe" ? What I mean is.. Are you guys familiar with how Blizzard track you down? Is having 5 connections to WoW 24/7 a good idea? The reason I say connection is because its different wow accounts running. Or would it be better just to have 10 accounts running for etc 5 hours a day and that's it?

      I'm not quite sure how to schedule this .. What the best approach would be. Any idea and comments ? :confused:

    2. happyfriet

      happyfriet Active Member

      Jan 14, 2013
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      Nothing is ''safe''. one thing is safer the another but every single method is a chance to get banned.
    3. Dopa1

      Dopa1 New Member

      Jul 8, 2014
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      No further comment on my approach?
    4. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Ok, this could go out of hand. But here is my 2 cents from botting for a very long time and only had a cheap crap SOR account banned for 72 hours...for stupid 24/7 farming..

      Are you ready for my anwser! ????

      Bot as if you where playing that account itself. Thats it.... EASY!
    5. Dopa1

      Dopa1 New Member

      Jul 8, 2014
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      razer: Try for once and read what I ask about... Jesus man
    6. happyfriet

      happyfriet Active Member

      Jan 14, 2013
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      I agree, That will almost never get you banned. However, your profit margin will be next to nothing - you'll be able to pay for your subscriptions yes.. but I don't think that's the goal you want to make. More risk = more profit and ofcourse otherway around goes aswell.
    7. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      no one knows for sure how blizzard bans. we can only assume. and you know what they say about that.
    8. DeeJay42

      DeeJay42 New Member

      Aug 13, 2014
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      Most bans are said to come from player reports. This makes the most sense Blizzard mainly cares about bots when they negatively impacting player enjoyment.
      As such, any time you AFK bot, your at risk. I very rarely AFK bot for this reason.

      Your going to be reported if you post a ton of stuff on the AH and it makes you look like a gold farmer.
      If you look over the ban forums, people have said they have gotten banned by constantly farming instances.

      Happy botting!
    9. Master4th

      Master4th Member

      Nov 18, 2011
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      I have found that 90% of the bans come from player reporting. I have farmed 2 weeks without logging in the same area, 15000+ bars worth of ore before getting banned.

      Read over the banned section.

      As far as your "Safe Approach" I think that 12 hours straight is going to get your accounts hammered in 2 weeks or less.
      If any of your info match between the 10 accounts, once 1 is flagged, all are at danger. If you bot the accounts from the same IP address, once one is reported, all are at danger. As to safe schedule it really depends on if your AFKing, & what your doing. Gathering is probably the most dangerous overall while afk questing/dung/bg can potentially be the easiest way to get reported.

      If your gathering and don't have access to multiple IPs for your connection, I would do 3 to 5 hour randomized rotations. Don't stay in the same area more than 5 hours on any one account that can be linked to another. If your AFking I think there is an pluggin that avoids other players. If your farming to AH, us 1 of your 10 accounts as a Non-bot AH whore.

      If your leveling I suggest watching the bot level for the first couple times, that way you know what levels/quest area's you need to supervise the bot in. I would rotate your 10 accounts leveling 8 to 10 hours at a time overlapping by by 3 to 5 hours in a constant rotation.

      Beyond that you just have to be smart.

      Oh and again, take the time and read the Banned forums. This will give you some instinct on do's and don'ts.
    10. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      I told you the safest way, I run 10 accounts and been doing it for a very long time. But to make money from it hell no the Risk Factor for profit is way to high If you really want to make money from it as in to pay for your living expensive you have to have at least 20+ accounts running nearly 12-20 hours a day and fight with the Chinese who can get accounts for nothing.

      I am just saying the lowest risk is to bot as if you where playing the account itself. I know I used to farm for 4-5 hours by hand years ago so I only run the bot for a few hours to farm then do other things with it. It pays for my subs and that is all I want.
    11. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      12 hours is gonna banned.
      But your greed will get you banned faster.

      The only thing you can do for 12 hours is quest, and even that everyday of the week will get you if you not careful.

      Its too late now, but you should have made 30 Guilds, and had your bots run scenarios in each guild, that would have made ya over 100k a week for preparation.

      Your better off Letting them run 2 hours, then switch to dailies for 2 hours. Then log out switch to a different bot. Then change it up, and also change it up throughout the week. Let the bots act like a human player would not like a non 24/7 Robot.
    12. Dopa1

      Dopa1 New Member

      Jul 8, 2014
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      Okay I will try again to specify what I mean since some people.. like all so far don't get what I am trying to say..

      I have 10 bots in total.

      Would it be a good idea to run 5 bots for 5 hours and the next 5 bots for another 5 hours? = total of 10 hours botting.
      5 bots running = 5 outgoing connections from MY IP / MAC ADDRESS. <-- And please for the love of god if you wanna comment of this.. Please have some knowledge about what IP and a MAC address are!!!!!!!!!!!

      Or would it be better to just run all 10 bots at the same time = 5 hours of total but with a larger outgoing connection for a smaller time periode? The real question is.. Is lots of outgoing connections a problem? Any sane/normal person would perhaps have max 5 outgoing wow connection assuming a whole family play 5/10 hours pr. day?

      Get it now?

      OUTGOING connections!
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
    13. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      I would like to say, yea that is safe. But no matter how many hours you will bot for if you login to just for one reason like mining the same spot over and over on the same toon on the same account blizzard will still take a look at why are you only playing wow to farm for mats

      Now I say your IP and Mac address dont mean shit when it comes to botting safe. You are worse off with using a V.P.N as blizzard tracks them other a normal IP. I say you are better off botting on 5 accounts for 5 hours then use another MAC Address/PC to bot your other 5. I know people have been doing that for years, even myself.

      Blizzard does not look at the pc that the accounts are running on for how long that pc has been on for, its all down to how long have you been logged into that character for and that zone. From Personal Exp dont take my word 100% just my exp of 7 years with botting in wow.

      So yea your way does work I would go with the first example you have said.

      Good Luck man!
    14. jbr

      jbr New Member

      Sep 18, 2014
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      Your asking a very hard question to answer because no one knows how blizzard ban. If they did, they would be making money on that information. If blizzard is going to ban you I'm guessing they would check your logs and that would include your ip.
    15. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Did I just tell the secret? O shit GG Guys :p No one knows 100% but there are safer ways of doing things to lower that risk of being banned.
    16. Dopa1

      Dopa1 New Member

      Jul 8, 2014
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      Thank you razer. That's the kind of answer I was hoping for and is actually the thing I am doing lol :rolleyes:
    17. Sav

      Sav New Member

      Sep 17, 2011
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      I'd say what you're doing is fine, and that you have an equal chance as anyone of getting caught and being punished. One can only speculate as to what is considered safe botting, but it's a pretty common to believe that you risk losing any given account at anytime you log in and use honorbuddy services. Turning it into your lively hood is a risky venture, but I've heard of both success and failure. Fortunately, success seems to be the more prolific of the two. You might try being a little less abrasive with your replies, and maybe reaching out to someone that has had success with making it into an occupation. I doubt that they will tell all as most probably have their own unique proprietary techniques, but I'm sure they could get you turned into the right direction. What you do from there is completely up to you.
    18. Pak

      Pak Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      Well I've been botting for about a year and a half. And the only logical thing i can say to make it easy for anyone to understand is this: The more "human" your botting is the best off you will be. Don't grind stupid shit for hours on end. Log on and bot for a few hours log off for a little then log back on for a few hours. Just remember the game was designed for humans to play. not mindless zombies who do nothing but fly around and farm for 12 hours strait. Taking the time to THINK before DOING. Be logical, use your head , and think about it as if you were a "normal" player. Think about what would look "fishy" to you. Avoid any risky movements. And the last bit of advice i can provide is...Dont bot on an account that you're not prepared to possibly lose.
    19. EliRDA

      EliRDA New Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Well, shbitz, if you get banned for being a AH whore then I'm surprised my main hasn't be slammed yet. I have several servers that have 2 chars- 1 dk usually & 1 whatever as my AH whore (a level 1 or 2 no less). I make a mess of scrolls, or bang out some leathers/tailor/blacksmith a mess of stuff then mail it to the AHW(hore) who then puts things up. I can run up & over 300 a day, but I try to vary it, not say do 20 scrolls of the same thing so it might be 2 corpse explode, 2 hunter, 2 monk so I don't overload & drive the prices down on the AH. Also any extra blues/greens/purples I get from running quests, killing rares or running dungeons.

      I'm surprised they haven't banned me for abuse of the economy yet then. No, wait, I want them to try & ban me for that, I've have their butts so hurting. ;)
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
    20. Dildobaggins

      Dildobaggins Member

      Sep 25, 2013
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      Botting is definitely not safe! Depends where u bot and also , even u use but the safest way; depends ur luck!

      My friend was a full date botter in cata and mop , never seen him offline. was always in same route mining+ herb gathering.
      He didnt get even a suspend! I used bot too in mop for mining and herbalism . but much much and much more safer ways . used randomizers , used bot different cycles, didnt use it more than 3 hours in a day , and also never sold from ah ! always sold via trade !
      And then i got an insta perma ban :) without a suspend ! that is to say botting is cant be called safe ! only u can reduce risk factors.

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