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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Support' started by Jwangner, Oct 16, 2014.

    1. Jwangner

      Jwangner New Member

      Oct 16, 2012
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      Over the past 5 to 6 weeks I have had a problem with BW where after the bot runs from variable different times BW and the game lock up. In the past when this would happen I could turn BW off and the game would then pick right back up where it was but now both BW and the game have to be completely restarted for the game to function. Any help would b appreciated. The log is attached. Seems like the major issue occurs when the following happens over and over:

      [06:11:56.512 D] [BotEvents] EventChecker  threw exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object. in check
      [06:11:56.512 D] [BotEvents] EventChecker  threw exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object. in check
      [06:11:56.512 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      [06:11:56.512 D] at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.()
      at ..()
      at ..[](UInt64 , HeroType )
      at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.GetField[T](DomFieldIds field, HeroType forcedType)
      at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Level()
      at Buddy.CommonBot.Profile.GrindArea.RequirementsMet()
      at Buddy.CommonBot.ProfileManager.(GrindArea )
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
      at Buddy.CommonBot.ProfileManager.UpdateGrindArea()
      at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BuddyBot.Pulse()
      at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()

      View attachment 2014-10-16 02.46.txt

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