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HB ARCHIVES: Processed Issues from Honorbuddy Release threads

Same as previous release - kernel errors.

HB crashes between 1 and 5 mins with a kernel windows error.
Can be any bot base and any activity (even happens when standing doing nothing).
Happens with clean install with all streaming disabled.
Happens with clean install and only kicks streamed.
Using Singular Bot base.

Faulting application name: Wow.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x543dfddc
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18409, time stamp: 0x53159a86
Exception code: 0x000006ba
Fault offset: 0x0000c42d
Faulting process id: 0x3568
Faulting application start time: 0x01cfec934f38c81a
Faulting application path: E:\WOW\Wow.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
Report Id: 8330d486-588f-11e4-843c-6805ca2a7b49

Chinajade can you say something to this problem? Because many users got it.
Taking mails :

Proffbuddy :
Bot spend 326 sec near mailbox even if there no mails at all.
See log line 841

Buying from AH not working, same as posting. He just scaned AH and closed it.
Line 883

View attachment log.txt
MM Hunter Spells/questing

I have noticed that MM hunter will not use Chimaera Shot, Just uses rotation ( Steady Aim, Aimed Shot ) no Kill Shot ( I think i see it uses Kill shot at times) or any buffs (Rapid Fire, Stampede). I hope this helps! I attached log, Questing[Kicks] ( thank you Kicks awesome profiles you have) seems to work fine just a few hic ups here and there pause and do the quest or close the cinematic when it doesn't do it.

Edit: also seems to try and hurry and accept quest givers quest and opens and closes it before it accepts but ends up accepting it after a couple trys

View attachment 6252 2014-10-20 18.07.txt
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So this is my second post on the Test Release issues.

What ever I try to do with HB, it crashed my WoW in 3 minutes or less.

Here is my last log and a screenshot of the error.

Level 90
Using Singulair
Raid Bot (But wich ever bot i'm using, it crashes)

Note: I did 4 fresh install and also cleared my cache twice (as mentionned in the thread how to clear cache) and rebooted my system 3 or 4 times now.


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Hi there, Altec here, once again - well not here once again for the test release, once again for another posting. Anywho, I have an issue with Me.CurrentRage. I'll upload the logfile, but here is a shorthand of the issue:

[04:07:24.985 N] 07:24:985 - Rage: 86 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 4 m - Casting: Devastate!
[04:07:26.050 N] 07:26:050 - Rage: 90 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 4 m - Casting: Devastate!
[04:07:27.517 N] 07:27:517 - Rage: 96 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 4 m - Casting: Shield Slam!
[04:07:27.875 N] 07:27:875 - Rage: 397 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 4 m - Casting: Heroic Strike!
[04:07:28.733 N] 07:28:733 - Rage: 400 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 9 m - Casting: Devastate!
[04:07:29.164 N] 07:29:164 - Rage: 401 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 8 m - Casting: Heroic Strike!
[04:07:29.341 N] 07:29:341 - Rage: 402 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 7 m - Casting: Devastate!
[04:07:29.547 N] 07:29:547 - Rage: 403 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Heroic Strike!
[04:07:29.716 N] 07:29:716 - Rage: 403 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Devastate!
[04:07:29.918 N] 07:29:918 - Rage: 404 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Heroic Strike!
[04:07:30.095 N] 07:30:095 - Rage: 405 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Devastate!
[04:07:30.309 N] 07:30:309 - Rage: 405 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Heroic Strike!
[04:07:30.483 N] 07:30:483 - Rage: 406 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Devastate!
[04:07:30.683 N] 07:30:683 - Rage: 407 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Heroic Strike!
[04:07:30.858 N] 07:30:858 - Rage: 407 - Enemy HP: 100% @ 6 m - Casting: Devastate!

Clearly, the bot thinks that Me.CurrentRage is higher then any possible max rage allowed for warriors - don't get me wrong, I'd love to have 400+ rage at anytime. The log output is as follows:

if (SpellManager.CanCast(spellName, u))
                    iCR = Me.CurrentRage;
                    SpellManager.Cast(spellName, u);
                else { return; }
if (LastCastUnit != u || LastCastSpell != spellName || LastCastTime + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) < DateTime.Now)
                    Logging.Write(Lc, "{0} - Rage: {1} - Enemy HP: {2}% @ {3} m - Casting: {4}!", DateTime.Now.ToString("mm:ss:fff"), iCR, Math.Round(u.HealthPercent), Math.Round(u.Distance), spellName);
                else { return; }


View attachment 7648 2014-10-20 23.06.txt
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Hi, Melcekial, and thanks for this info!

We've added this data point to HB-1306 ("Reports of HB causing WoWclient crash and BSoD "). But to chase problems like this, we really need the WoWclient crash report (its a .txt file in the WoW directory).

If the problem happen again for you, please include the WoWclient crash report in addition to the screenie and log you've already shown us.


[size=-2]Ref: Melcekial's problem report w/log[/size]


Thanks for answering me !

This is the WoW log crashing info.

I'm going to link the last couple I had because they were ALL related to HB ... :P

View attachment 2014-10-19 22.45.47 Crash - 44148.txt
View attachment 2014-10-20 15.31.58 Crash - 7456.txt
View attachment 2014-10-20 22.37.43 Crash - 3540.txt
after update to latest version HB, now HB always use mount! in dungeon too... how to turn it off?
HB use mount in dungeon even distance to next target lower then 200...
please remove it... or say how to remove it manualy
This feature brake my plans.... it couse no errors, at the moment i'm solve it by downgrade my HB to previos version.
PB + Grind bot :

Grind profile :

But bot ignoring Durability option and trying to repair even if repear NPC not set in profile.

[07:58:35.724 N] ::::::::: LowestDurabilityPercent is 0.24
[07:58:35.802 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [49g82s68c]
[07:58:35.849 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[07:58:35.849 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_29_28
[07:58:36.098 D] [Mount] Flying Carpet is known, but we don't have the skill to use it!
[07:58:36.098 D] [Mount] Flying Machine is known, but we don't have the skill to use it!
[07:58:36.114 D] [Mount] Frosty Flying Carpet is known, but we don't have the skill to use it!
[07:58:36.176 D] [Mount] Magnificent Flying Carpet is known, but we don't have the skill to use it!
[07:58:36.301 D] [Mount] Turbo-Charged Flying Machine is known, but we don't have the skill to use it!
[07:58:36.348 D] Changed POI to: Type: Repair, Name: Merchant Tantan
[07:58:36.379 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Merchant Tantan

( tested <MinDurability>0.1</MinDurability>, still ignoring )

In my PB profile repair set to 0.2
    <If Condition="Me.MapId == 870 &amp;&amp; Me.FreeBagSlots &gt;= 20 &amp;&amp; Me.LowestDurabilityPercent &gt;= 0.20" IgnoreCanRun="False />
but bot trying to repair at 0.24, he just run to closest repear NPC. ( even it not set in grind profile )

Since PB monitoring his grind position, and moves him back if he to far from start point..... its dead end.

View attachment new 1.txt




to top line ( just after <HBProfile> tag ) and now it works. Before it was inside <GrindArea> tag.
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Dunno if it was already reported :

[09:55:41.044 D] Activity: Flying to '<-310.4844, 2636.552, 147.8022>' (<-310.4844, 2636.552, 147.8022>)
[09:55:41.060 N] Mounting: Green Wind Rider
[09:55:43.509 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: BehaviorFlags changed to [Death, Combat, Vendor, Roam, Rest, FlightPath] by ProfessionBuddy, Plug-in or Profile
[09:55:45.911 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Can't do that while moving
[09:55:45.911 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Green Wind Rider#32245 failure: 'Can't do that while moving'

Cant mout at first try. Easy to reproduce. Every time he have to mount twice because first try fails "Can't do that while moving"

no log.
Running ArchaeologyBuddy for a whole, when toon was close to the point, it will try digging near place without pausing, which will fail by GCD. Then the toon will circle around since it can never succeed in digging at that point.

