Anyone else having issues with their bots not being able to run the Questbot profiles?? Everyone I try keeps coming up with many errors then says cannot run this bot as there is no questline for this profile or something like that! Is there something I need update or change to get these to work?? Help!!
No Ive ben using downloaded profiles and had no issues at all until after the patch last week and now any questbot profiles I was using no longer do anything I keep getting the same error message saying "there is no questline" something along those lines. Ive been using several profiles off here that require the questbot for example the profile to farm Guo Lai Keys in vale of blossoms. I used to have no issues with this profile and now since the patch and two buddy updates they still don't work!
I use Cava's 1-90, works on two laptops Hord/Alliance no issues even with the upgrades.. This is of course, i performed a Clean Fresh Install.
I'm not using the bot to quest though I use it to farm keys, mines, herbs or exotic leather and most of those require a questbot to run but for some reason I can't get the questbot to work. I can use the grind bot and gatherbots just fine just for some reason ever since the patch I can no longer load questbots how do I fix this problem does anyone else have this issue or at least know how to fix it so I can get back to farming profiles that require a questbot??
I think this post says it all, the last post there. Basically, there are a lot of changes to not only wow but honorbuddy right now, so most scripts have to be rewritten for those changes (I was having the same problem, then just did grindbot and found other profiles). Right now people are going to focus on money maker things before the rest, so things like questbot won't be cleaned up for a few weeks most likely.
thank you that makes sense! Iw il just keep using whatever grindbots I can find for now to make gold with! Hopefully they get these bugs worked out I should have expected maybe a few issues!