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  • Buddy Store, the prices are insane!

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Sckauter, Oct 20, 2014.

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    1. gyunter

      gyunter New Member

      Nov 8, 2012
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      I could only double both of you. Bobby is so damn underrated!
    2. megadoodie

      megadoodie Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Just as he said these guys bust their asses to make this stuff for you and really if it weren't for them you would be stuck with singular. I have no problem throwing them a few bucks for their work and have supported many developers on here.
    3. otro

      otro New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      I agree with everything the com. devs. said....

      But, this store also made some excellent CRs that were ment to be free switch to a paid product.
      Handnavi always said he would never charge for his top CR superbad, but now Bossland not only made him go premium but is now taking a piece of his pie too. Good thing the dude is just awesome and is only charging 10bucks (didnt bought yet but will on WoD).
      And since I'm already posting let me give my opinion on free/paid routine versions...some top CRs do a wrong rotation on its free version on purpose (hello shadow priest im looking at you). IMO stop doing that, add things like talent support, or whatever but playing badly the rotation on purpose is just freaking lame.

      All in all I agree with the store (minus the 30% cut from bossland) and the money going for the devs.

      ps. quit asking to a mod to close this, the community can only WIN with discussions like this....just proper mod the bad comments!!
    4. tomten2

      tomten2 New Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      So lemme get this straight son. You openly tell everyone to fuck off and dont care, you don't do it for the money. Yet you bitch over the money like you were starving...

      But you expect everyone to be grateful when you make the almighty choice to share one of the profiles that was only written for you and you alone?
      Cool story brah if wasn't for the fact that the only reason its public is cause its served its purpose for you and you have those better, private profiles, no one will ever hear about.
      And the sob story touch at the end, loving it. Grow. the. fuck. up.

      I have never used a profile from you and will never do so either now.

      You said it yourself...your profiles arent for weekenders, they're for the pro's...so why you here defending it ? Ain't no pro's here ?
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    5. Butty26

      Butty26 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      All profiles and routines should be included in HB for 40 € straight.
      All those extra $$ for every little tiny piece of code makes me /lol and look out for alternatives.
    6. Dreadlord

      Dreadlord New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      LMAO! I love this post, I thought it was rather funny considering that it's a rather difficult to create your own setup. What you're actually buying from the buddystore is the updates, much like the bot with lifetime updates. As long as the bot is around and the developer is playing you'll have that product, frankly if you want to complain about such a cheap ideal, then as previously mentioned use the free stuff not premiums. There are more than enough free stuff for people to use, if you like the samples get the package if not just use what's given. Even without all the premiums I find the game still enjoyable, that is to say I make my own stuff having in the past shared my setup and even posted them here...
    7. Dreadlord

      Dreadlord New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      What was that saying?... "I don't work for free" if this is how some people choose to spend their time and make money, you have no right to complain, these profiles and added features to the bot are extras they're not a part of the bot. If you think these extras should be given for free you're sadly mistaken, there's a reason people sell them, it's because they work and they guarantee it. That is their name on the line and they'll fix it ASAP if they're broken, to provide such service because there are so many people using them means a lot of testing, a lot of work and no time to really play. If you have NEVER coded in your life it's time to pick it up. For starters you may want to pick up HTML just so you can have a good start, jump to PHP SQL so on and go to Visual Basics Delphi to C# once you've figured out those languages you might have shot at doing what others do. If you can't so much as figure out a single bit string bite your tongue!
      Botanist likes this.
    8. standza

      standza Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      I can't even use buddy store :) I have only two HB licence with email. Other eight I don't have email and can't use this service :(
    9. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      This is not the first thread about this topic. Everything said and its becoming personal here. Before the flame war starts its better to close the thread. A lot of opinions here but there is no golden way.
    10. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The Buddy Store is a regulated marketplace. Bossland GmbH has no influence on the price chosen by a developer. Supply and demand will bring the cost of the products to a 'fair' market price.If you believe a price is "too high", we strongly recommend you do not purchase the product, look at less expensive alternatives, or wait and see if the developer offers a 'sale' on the product at a future time.From the developer's side, they may want to keep prices high to intentionally limit demand. For instance, a gathering or pick-pocket profile becomes worthless if the entire user-base is using it.This is how free markets work.
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