Hello dev's, Optik264 here... I used to be a glider cc dev, and I am looking to start a warrior custom class. I have not yet used GB/HB, and coming from a glider+cc+ppather background I am curious what similar things have been implemented to GB/HB. All I am looking to achieve with this thread is a basic introduction, what I am working toward, also I would love some words of wisdom from anyone who as done a similar transition. I would also like to take some time to take some suggestions for some features people would like to see implemented into a (warrior) custom class. Sidenote: Taking 20 credit hours currently, development is going to be slow until finals finish in mid dec. ~Looking forward to working together with everyone!
The best thing you can do is look at the existing CCs and take it from there. All of my CCs aer a little more advanced and based on a behaviour tree logic. Have a look at some of the other CCs that use IF / ELSE logic, they are easier to get up and running. There are also a number of templates to get you started.
I would say the exact opposite, the behavior tree is alot easier to get running quickly since it requires alot less code. Of course it requires that you understand events and delegates in .NET, but that's pretty basic .NET stuff these days.
Thanks for the warm welcome all. For anyone that cares to add me, bounce ideas off of or wants to chat, optik264@hotmail.com is my MSN. I figure I am going to start from scratch basically, I don't think it would hurt to look at other peoples CC's. I have printed out probably 50-75 sheets to start planning each spell, combat, pvp, party, etc... so I think a huge part of it is going to be getting the proper planning done, then writing it should be the easy part. I think a huge part of the CC might be pvp since I hope to have specialized combat for fighting each spec of each class. Mainly because for example fighting a arcane mage is completely different than fighting a frost mage. Holy vs Prot vs Ret is another example, Holy you cry, Ret u go selectively go defensive, and Prot is basically a race (also involves crying). I Don't know a lot about behavior trees / events, but I am a fast learner and have a feeling that shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you have any spare useful "behavior tree learning" links I would greatly appreciate them. -edit- Question: Does HB suffer from the same problem glider did? Slow reaction time to movement in pvp, for example people running around you quickly. I was thinking of trying to do a calculate average rate of change (like degrees/per 100 millisecond, us being the center of a graph or [0,0] and the moving around us [1,0] 0* right infront of us), calculate average rate of change (something like dd/dm) and use it to calculate where the person might be. Such as if hes moving between from 0* to 30* to 60* we can predict hes going to be at 90* next. This is just theoretical at the moment, but seems like it might be interesting to test and try to make work if HB has the same problem.