Can u please run the bot with open combat log and post some screens when he died? Is this may happen at particular mobs spots?
Can u did this profile with support another game client language ? I have russian game client. Thank you.
You can change your wow client language quite easy. Just start up WoW and on the left you can change the used language. If you are using your main WoW just copy it over to another place.
No. Russians servers not supported english client language. In the profile file I have changed english abilities to russian - character uses the abilities, but does not move, just standing still.
All I get are errors View attachment 5912 2014-10-23 07.30.txt I try to run the profile and it tells me there are just a ton of errors and then refuses to load. It has been doing this with other questing stuff as well, maybe you can tell me what the problem is so I can fix it? Thanks if you can.
ok so i got the profile working for the most part but its not pick pocketing its just killing mobs with ambush...the New Hearthglen profile that is
Depends your server if there's a lot of buyers for dices. Goldwise it's not the best maybe 200-400g in gph. On my server the dices sell for 20k approx so it's all up on how fast you get a drop. Bad thing is the cross-realm stuff which makes it harder since a lot of people are there all the time.
After i have loaded the profile and set it to questing it comes up shit load of errors and when i am trying to start the bot it stands "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" What do i need to do?
Can you provide me a full detailed log please. Please use the new version. Please use the new version. This hard depends on 2 factors: 1. how many drop luck you have and 2. how much people are paying for it. I think the prices will go up after WoD release. Please make a clean install of HB and report back in pls. I have also a private life dude...and 2 days are not really much. Please make a clean install of HB and report back in pls.
Your profile works great, thanks for sharing! While using a decahedral farming one i found out that some of waypoints can be changed a bit farther from mobs, so i will pull mob agro less often( less seen - less reports ) Can u tell me where do u get coordinates from, so i could try improving it? ( i always get 2nd mob in profile agroing me so as some later ones).
After about 10 hours on each profile, i've gotten two of both dwarven and troll dices, though i am yet to see a gnome dice drop.
The schnott's bodyguards at obelisk of the moon all appear dead to me, as such unable to pick any of them for the gnomish dice.