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  • A couple of Basic Hints/Reminders if you're having problems

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by jackOrip, Oct 26, 2014.

    1. jackOrip

      jackOrip New Member

      Apr 2, 2014
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      Hello fellow botters,
      I can't reply to posts in the HB Support thread (hopefully reserved for mods or tech support from HB) so here are a few general problems I have worked through since this patch (and most other updates) and I hope it helps others as I can see these flaws in many of your logs. (Just like I saw them in mine. :p Haha) This may NOT fix your problem, but making sure these items are correct and NOT the problem will help the guys and gals who really know how to answer. That way they can help you even faster. These are just my simple fixes and suggestions to try whenever I have a problem and will help pass the time while you wait for a real answer. :)

      This was a big patch. Blizzard reset many things in the client to default and of course the patch means massive changes for WoW and HB. Lets check easy things first.
      (about 7 out of 10 logs uploaded in the last week are attaching to D3D11. Make sure you are running wow in D3D9 (or DirectX 9) in WoW System Settings.)

      1. If HB crashes instantly, look for something in your log file like: Honorbuddy.MainWindow.FindAndAttachToWoW(Boolean& found64Bits)
      I think maybe HB is crashing instead of telling you that you are running the 64bit version of WoW. Use the HB launcher in a clean install in a clean dir to make sure it launches the 32-bit version of WoW

      2. If HB seems to load fine and then crashes shortly after pressing start, look in your log file (usually in the first few lines) for : Attaching to D3D11
      This means it is connecting to Direct3D version 11. HB is designed to hook into D3D version 9 so go into your System Settings in WoW and change back to DX9 (This will require a restart of WoW to take effect)

      3. If you see: We couldn't find a free WoW process to attach to
      Make sure you are LOGGED INTO a character and not at the char select screen. If you are logged in correctly then a copy of HB could have crashed after attaching to wow and is stuck running in memory. Open your Task Manager and look for any Honorbuddy.exe processes or even extra WoW.exe processes and kill them ALL. Make sure you have the latest updates for BOTH WoW and HB. Ninja patches always slip past me too. Use the HB launcher and try again.

      4. Dungeonbuddy problems: I don't generally use dungeonbuddy or multi-bot but some common problems I see are
      a) Do NOT load a dungeon profile at HB's main screen, let the Dungeonbuddy bot handle that for you. Look for and load QO_Blank.xml or something similar instead.
      b) Double check the "Follow Distance". I found closer is better for testing even if it feels and looks a little weird. Don't use in public! I say 7 for DPS and 12 for Healing/ranged. If I have 5 instances of WoW and HB running on my PC, it takes an extra second for ranged to notice I am moving and by then they get left behind.
      c) Toon will not join dungeon or accept invite. Double check D3D setting (see 2 above) and look for crashing plugins in log file that need to be disabled. also make sure you are actually IN the group and the leader/follower section is set correctly.

      5. Getting weird profile or questing issues: stuck in loop picking up or turning in quest, profile thinks you have already completed all quests, stuck at flight master, tries to load wrong level profile for auto-loading packs, etc. etc.
      This is often due to a corrupted cache and needs cleaning. Chinajade covers this in depth with this post: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/108771-help-desk.html#post1067458
      Other times it is just an old profile and no longer compatible with the newer versions of HB. Just because it used to work last week doesn't mean it still works this week. Look on the forums for updated profiles before asking for help.

      If all the above fails to help you don't forget there has ALWAYS been a thread that goes into a lot more depth and covers many other problems not found here.
      I wonder why the forum moderators don't pin THAT post to the top of this forum. Isn't this where everyone goes to get Honorbuddy Support. At least it is where I come to whine and complain! :D
      I hope this helps someone, and if any moderators see an error or typo please let me know and I will correct it so as not to cause any worse problems.

      Keep up the great work Team HB, we love you guys and all your hard work.

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