Greetings! This is my first profile release, after the recent honorbuddy API update a lot of profiles were broken. This is mostly in part to large profile pack builders using old, deprecated methods that were removed. The profile is based off Kick's provided Hallow's End profile. It's far from perfect but it gets the job done, if you have any problems start and stop the bot and report the problem to me! SVN Link:
i haven't used HB in a long time do i need any need plugin besides quest helper? because the bot just sits after i load the profile and hit start.
What profile are you using? All them seem to load just fine for me. I'd make sure you are on a fresh honorbuddy install because the 6.0.2 update broke quite a lot of things. Edit: There is a slight delay while it parses your already completed inns. Make sure you start at each profiles starting path. If you don't know where that would be its Silvermoon for Eastern Kingdoms Org for Kalimdor Dalaran for Northerend Shatrath for Outlands and Vale for Pandaria
Hey, I had to do a fresh install of HB but everything is working now Kalimdor profile is running fine, will report in how many time each profile is completed
Got the same problem, have reinstalled HB with .exe - and now it started working. Will give another feedback, when finish Eastern Kingdoms Upd1: Stuck at 71.75 - Silvermoon Upd2: I also dont understand, why is bot using ground mount in flyable zone Upd3: Started using flying mount after Lights Hope Chapel Upd4: Stuck at Okril'lon Hold
Hey TherussOn, ran the pandaria profile on a few characters and found that the navigation point is set the same as the position of the bucket. While this works alot of the time there was a few spots where i had to change it. Here is the fixed version. Let me know how it goes. View attachment [QO] [H] Tricks and Treats of Pandaria.xml Just ran the Northrend file and it ran through without errors. Ran the outlands profile and changed a few things same as pandaria one, nothing major. here is the updated version. View attachment [QO] [H] Tricks and Treats of Outland.xml
Kalimdor : OK, no problem for me. Ehm, in fact, I got one but it's my bad ! I am farming [Insane in the membrane] and cartel city dont like me well... So, if you want to use this profils, be sure to do the points in hostil cities before lauching profil.
If you just update kicks file via the SVN, his profiles for Hallows End are working fine now. Heres the SVN addy
Kalimdor worked well so far, but had a little problem, when my char is transformed to a bat for 60min, he cant/wont do anything, i had to dismiss the buff manually
Sup guys, tried to install this path via the SVN, but it fails to do it - pic of the error imgur Would like to know if im a complete idiot and doing something wrong and what are the steps to do it correct?
Is this good for leveling from 85-90? How is comparable to normal questing via kick's profiles? After the squish I noticed that complete a quest gives a nice amount of xp
hey guys ! any idea if you will update this ? it seems quite bugged, as a Horde character i got this message " HallowsEnd_CandyBuckets-16340%(fatal)] QuestId(12396) is for faction group Alliance, your FactionGroup is Horde. " and it stops working ater just 2 inns done :/ Thanks !
Worked flawless for me in Northrend, but missed 3 in Pandaria but thats better as doing it on my own. Thanks!
Doesnt work. (Eastern Kingdoms. havent tried the rest yet) [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Östliche Pestländer [Singular] ... Zone: Östliche Königreiche using my SOLO Behaviors alone [Profile Message]: Compiling Candy Bucket quest status... [Profile Message]: Moving to Silvermoon City, The Royal Exchange MoveTo failed to move to the location: <9688.543, -7362.991, 11.9295> Edit : Ok, it works, but as you cant fly to ghostlands (i guesss thats the english name) you have to move manually to the Blooself startttown. if you run the Profile from the other side (stating the profile from the other sides gives a Message to move manually)