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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Bigred41688, Oct 27, 2014.

    1. Bigred41688

      Bigred41688 New Member

      Oct 27, 2014
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      I am new to hearthbuddy and i have a few questions.
      1. how come when i start an arena run it always selects the 1st card even if the 2nd and 3rd are better options?
      2. When i run silverfish rush as a warlock it always wants to lifetap instead of playing a 1 or 2 drop?
      3. with the default settings of the bot in ranked it will get to like rank 9 or 10 but then it seems to get stuck in those ranks

      Thanks a lot for the responses in advance.
    2. Flaccid

      Flaccid New Member

      Oct 5, 2014
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      1) You need to download the newest update, as well as the file titled "arenavalues.xml"

      2) Silverfish rush isn't working as great as it should be... The reason people use Silverfish is mostly for it's control setting. I'd suggest posting your logs on the Silverfish thread to hopefully improve the rush setting.

      3) I wouldn't use this bot to rank up honestly. Opponents get too smart around rank 8 to legendary, and human players can easily see you're a bot. Either use it to farm golden portraits, or to do your quests/arena runs.

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