Well they are removing it due to mass amount of players who complained. Get Rid Of This Asinine XP "Grind" Nerf - Forums - World of Warcraft
It was poorly implemented. They should have increased the number of mobs to lets say 250, that way you get all your quest items before the xp nerf came into efffect. I'm sure they will tweak it and it will be back.
this actually has almost no impact on HB leveling so we're good lol. whether you 5 bot dungeons or run kick's quest pack, it rarely kills enough things in the same area to be hit hard by this. if it slows us down slightly, we're not doing the work anyways so just horrible implementation overall.
i was using a grind profile earlier and wondered why i was leveling so slow after this patch, at least it's going away again
It's not in the game because of the way the originally had it set up. It was interfering with regular game play, such as questing. Blizzard said they were going to re-tune it and re-introduce it back into the game at a later date. It's not permanently gone.
I think it was a poor idea, players should be able to grind one specific spot for weeks non-stop without limitation(s). The only limitation would be the factor of server population, not what Blizzard "think" players should be capable of. If people used their brain they wouldn't have any issues botting, besides its the botters issue if they're not smart about how they play, and the way dumb botters play shouldn't reflect on, or limit, the smart botters.