[Plugin] [WOD] BloodYcFarm - Bloody Coins Farm in Battlerground 1.1 BloodYcFarm Descrição Code: - O plug "BloodYcFarm" serve para usar o item "Juramento do Vigilante do Fogo" e entrar em campos de batalha e farmar moedas de sangues! Revisão Code: Versão 1.0 - Usa o item "Juramento do Vigilante do Fogo" sempre que ele sair do tempo de recarga (10 min). Instalação Code: 1. Descompacte na pasta Honorbuddy\Plugins\ 2. Logue no WoW 3. Inície o HonorBuddy 4. Use como BGBuddy no seu botbase 5. Ative o Plug "BloodYcFarm" 6. Inicie o Bot! English! Description Code: - The "BloodYcFarm" it's a plug-in that you can use for it use automatically the item "Fire-Watcher's Oath" and can farm for you some blood Coins! Review Code: Versão 1.0 - Use the item "Fire-Watcher's Oath" everytime when it leave of the cooldown (10 min). Install Code: 1. Unzip the paste Honorbuddy\Plugins\ 2. Log into WoW 3. Initialize HonorBuddy 4. Select BGBuddy as your botbase 3. Active the Plug-in "BloodYcFarm" 4. Start the bot!
seems broker after patch if you have the time would be nice to get it work again ! Compiler Error: C:\Honorbuddy 2.5.11837.752\Plugins\BloodycFarm\BC.cs(45,30) : error CS0115: 'COIhelper.COIhelper.Initialize()':
I'd love to see this fixed as well, this was an awesome plug in and I'm about 150 coins shy of the mount.
to make plugin work in plugin .cs string number 45 delete "override" change sting to public void Initialize()