Again Problems with Turnin in a Quest This time my Toon didnt freed the 6 gnolls to finish the Quest. Toon try to turn in a unfinished Quest. Second Log shows when Toon pick up the Quest and directly try to turn in.
Twilight Highlands Quest: Torn Ground Again the Problem, my Druid Toon in Flyform just fly from Hotspot 1 to Hotspot 2 and the distance is very small, so my toon just fly left - right - left - right. 100% report if someone see you. There is a much bigger place where this Tentacle spawn to kill and finish this Quest.
How do we gain access to armageddoner? [LoadProfile-v1728(info)] Loading profile '[N-Quest]Armageddoner(81-82)MountHyjal[Cava].xml' Changing current profile to [N-Quest] (81-82) Mount Hyjal [Cava] $Rev$ [LoadProfile-v1085(fatal)] Does not have access to Profile '8-armageddoner81-82mounthyjal'. Please check if you have Armageddoner access Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
the targed folder c ... / cavaPlugin is not empty are you sure you want to checkout/export into that folder? if hb is open infomation there is a error with cava Qeust Behaviors or Cava Profiles and than if i want to start it unable to load new profile, profile at path c.... /temp/rarexa/default profiles/cava/scripts/next[cava].xml"couldnt be found.
profile does not contain a quest Good evening, I am very contented with CAVA, it has also functioned to version 6.0.0 very well. Since the starling I the Questbot and the Problem begins. I have select the Questing Bot and select Cava_Starter_Profile.xml. Press start = Error Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! Thanks for help!
Mine keeps saying this upon startup. There is a problem with Cava Profiles Instalation Please check you have Cava Plugin Instaled and Enabled First time user, so I'm probably doing something wrong.
blood elf pally having issues picking up quest with fresh toon trying to get quests that are not there any ideas? or scripts need to be rewritten due to patch? also having same issue with kicks edit: actually its not picking up the quest it needs to pick up cuz i can manually complete the quest still doesn't detect that it has quest and completed, when i start the bot after picking up quest and completing it manually it moves to next quest
Getting this weird error box when I open the plugin to start the bot. I installed it propperly, I can see the over.wav file in my sounds folder etc. No idea what's going on!
Still Problems with [07:44:40.179 D] Goal: CollectThings-v1738: "Frederick's Fish Fancy" (Frederick's Fish Fancy - Quest - World of Warcraft) My Toon still try to pickup 8 Item from an already got Item and swimming around and around and around
indeed, serious issues here on my quest profiles too... I've recognised that the CollectThings acts as a while loop and doesn't seem to exit when it's reached it's required count, my guess is that it's checking if the quest is complete not if it's got the required items, I would say the devs need to add a timeout but tbh I think it's a core bug with CollectThings QB by not checking if it has the required items, or if needed to add an ObjectiveComplete(1) to the... DoUntil thingee parameter (can't remember the name) IsObjectiveComplete also doesn't work
Doesn't work. it says: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! I attached log. Thanks in advance!
I also just had to help my toon over this quest because it wasn't doing it at all. Was just swimming around the lake, would drown, spirit res, repeat. That was the worst glitch, but there have been many other similar ones so far on the 1-90(armageddon) profile. Pretty much once per zone I've had to intervene one way or another. Not totally afk-able. I think the 1-60 profiles could really use a refreshment. I haven't tested 40-85 yet, but the pandaria profiles are excellent! I've leveled four toons 85-90 now, takes about 12 hours. THANK YOU!!! It's amazing. There are still a few quests that every toon got stuck on though, so could still use some polishing. I think I've already noticed those panda quests mentioned in the thread. If you are still actively working to update this profile pack, then it's the best around and definitely worth the donation access!